Monday 11 January 2021

The Name Game: Judy-Bo-Budy | Chapter 4: Trials and Tribulations


Hello and welcome back to my name game!

Previously: Judy and Bella got together and Bella gave birth to Jack, Uziel, Darcy, and Yaz, thus completing Judy's name for this generation!

And so we start off this chapter with Jack being his creative rebellious self.

Bella: “Jack, darling. I thought you were old enough to know better.”

Bella: “Was I wrong?”

Jack: “You’ll never stifle my creative spirit, Mother.”

And there it is – Uziel is upset with the arrival of his baby sister.

Darcy: “This baby is sus.”

I don’t think she’s an imposter, Darce.

Let’s play a game. Why do you think Bella looks so disappointed in Darcy?

Is it:

A)     Darcy was in fact the imposter
B) Darcy made a mess on the floor
C) Darcy told Bella that he likes Judy more than her

If you said B, you were correct!

You don’t win anything, I’m afraid.

Judy’s pretty hands on now she doesn’t have to worry about making babies and caring for a pregnant wife.

All the energy can go to cooking and child-rearing.

Oh, so much fun.

It’s Jack’s first day of school!

Bella: “How did Alexander fit a toy into this envelope?”

So, I don’t know if it’s because Darcy originally had the name Goth or… but Alexander sent Darcy a little toy in the mail when he was born. None of the other kids got a toy…

Bella: “Keep going, darling.”

Aw! Perseverance does work!

Um, Uziel, I think Yaz is sleeping right now…

Judy: “I’m so sorry. Jack will help clean up at once!”

Judy looks so focused as she feed baby Yaz whilst little Darcy sobs to himself behind her.

Judy: “Aw, I’m glad Bea Arthur has a cooking show now.”



Uziel: “Food goes splat!”

Judy:  “Nothing beats a bowl of chilli, right, Jack-Attack?”

Jack: “Mom, I’m too old to be called that now.”

Judy: “You’ll understand this if you have kids of your own but you’ll never be too old for anything in my eyes.”

For the first time since they moved in together, Bella and Judy get to share a bed as they sleep!

Let this face haunt your dreams, folks.

Ooh yay! Every step forward is a step closer to having  independent kids!

Bella: “Ooh, I don’t feel well… The world is spinning around me!”

Bella: *gasp* “Am I sick!?”

Uh, yeah. It looks like it, Bella.

Uh, Bella, that’s looking serious now. You should call in sick and take some medicine.

Bella: “Hello, darling. Yes, I’m afraid I won’t be able to make it in today. I have a strange whirly rash all over my body!”

And so we get some medicine for Bella to take.

Looks like she might make it this time, folks.

Ah. Hm.

Why was there a remote in the trash?

Oh c’mon. The house looks like a Pollock!

Judy: “Darcy, c’mon dude.”

Darcy: “Sowwy.”

Now that Bella’s feeling better, I decided to let her get her skills up for work.

NOW WHAT HAS JUDY DONE!? These sentiments are so cute sometimes but ridiculous at others. I don’t know what Judy did but I guarantee you she didn’t do anything horrendous.

Jack, you need to knock it off.

Look at Judy, so unassuming and naïve.

Uziel and Darcy are as thick as thieves!

Jack: “Oh Mr Ruff-Ruff, you’re the only one who understands me.”

Oh thank God. Maybe Yaz might be easy to take care of!

And after one birthday, it’s time to get ready for another. Thank the Lord we’ll only have two toddlers to care for after tomorrow.

Oh Jesus Christ.


I have serious concerns for Judy.

Who is this? How dare you steal valuable funds from a growing family! Don’t you know we’re on a small amount of money?!

Yaz really enjoys talking to her mother.

Maybe it’s because sometimes she gets left out of conversations with her brothers.

Judy: “Honey, you’ll find something you’ll excel at. Don’t fret over your homework too much. Every day is a learning experience.”

This loading screen basically matches my mood for playing this household with three toddlers on the go.

Jesus Christ, Jack. You have issues.

Judy: “If something is valuable to you, it’s okay to be sad when it goes missing. It’ll return someday.”

Judy and Uziel seem to be getting along really well!

Yaz: “NO!”

She doesn’t like being woken up by her brothers.

Jack, why so angry?

Jack: “Mama sat and watched TV with me.”


Jack: “Monster! Monster!”

I cannot see anything, Jack. Go back to bed.

Jack: “No! There’s a monster under my bed!”

Jack: “Mom! There’s a monster under my bed!”

Bella: “Ah, I remember when Alexander used to have nightmares like this.”

Yaz just nicked her mother’s parfait!

Yaz: “You tell no one.”

Nice cake, Jude!

Judy: “Oof, my head hurts.”

Judy: “Never mind. Headache or not, it’s Uziel’s birthday.”

Judy: “My head hurts so badly!”

Don’t worry, we got some medicine somewhere.

Uziel is a geek!

These toddlers have been really happy so far. I can’t wait to slip up in the next generation or something.

Whoa? Who has the evil trait?

Is it because Yaz is angry over her sugar rush?

After taking her medicine, Judy was really energised and decided to go for a jog. I don’t think she needs it, thick thighs save lives and all that.

Aw, Jack has a little crush on his teacher!

Just a picture to show how cute Darcy is because his birthday’s coming up relatively soon.

Ohh! My founder’s aging into adulthood…

Man, I’m a little sad about that… She’s getting closer to elderhood.

Jack’s doing really well at school.

I don’t want to toot my own horn but I’m doing really well with this household!

Jack: “School’s for suckers.”

Don’t worry Jack, we’ve all been there.

Jack: “*bleep*ing *bleep* with a *bleep*!”

Darcy: “Wha’s that?”

Uziel: “This is chess, Darcy.”

Darcy: “Wha’s that?”

Uziel: “It’s a game.”

Darcy: “Wha’s game mean?”

Uziel: “It’s something you play to have fun.”

Considering that Yaz is independent, she’s probably the poutiest toddler I’ve ever had. She’s always sad or angry.

Cassandra pops round to see her mum and Jack decides to spend some time getting to know his older half-sister.

Jack: “And the monster had these long tentacles! One nearly touched me!”

Cassandra: “So scary!”

Cassandra… You know you can come in… Right?

Jack helps Uziel with his aspiration by playing a game with him.

Uziel: “I think that’s check, right?”

Jack: “Actually that’s checkmate, Uze.”

Uziel: “Drat.”

Bella’s really happy to see her daughter. I didn’t let Cassandra or Alexander visit the house for a while because the toddlers were really hard to take care of with one sim at a time but now things are quieting down, I’m happy to have them visit more frequently.

I really want them to have a relationship with Judy’s kids as well.

I wanted Bella to give Cassandra the woohoo talk for the funny faces but…

I guess Cassandra wasn’t having it.

Yaz: “Hm.”

Judy: “I’m very close to another promotion. Are you proud of me?”

Yeah, I am, Jud-


Lilith: “You needed a pretty black haired sim for your legacy and you didn’t call me? Hmph.”

God, that’s so creepy.

Uziel: “Mom! You’re home!”

Aww! A little kiss on the cheek for Uziel!

I’m sorry, Yaz is so cute, I can’t resist.

Look at her outerwear –

Wait, why are you all wearing your outerwear in the house?

One of Uziel’s aspirations is to read with an adult and so I let Judy take care of that whilst Bella tends to the toddlers.

Sorry for the spam but this was just such a sweet moment I couldn’t stop taking pictures!


Bella: “Aw, isn’t she the cutest?”

You… Are you kidding me?

Uziel: “Don’t judge me for this.”

You better get a voidcritter card, Uziel.

He got a Teresa Triceratops…

I don’t care how old you are, you will always be grateful for the gifts you get. Especially since you are sims!

In the end I bought Uziel a card so he and Jack can play Voidcritters.

Jack: “Hohoho, you cannot beat my Wisp, Uze.”

Uziel: “You cheated!”

Jack: “No, I’m just better than you.”

Judy and Bella have a soft spot for Yaz and I can’t tell if it’s because she’s super cute or their only daughter.

It could very well by a case of both.

Yaz: “Get out of my shot!”

Judy: “Aw, honey, are you not feeling well?”

Yaz: “Mama, hug!”

Bella: “What?”

I just never thought I’d see you play with your kids like that, Bella…

Bella: “I am a mother as well, Gray.”

Judy: “I don’t want to hear any snide remarks, young man.”

Jack: “I’ll try and be quiet, grandma- I mean, Mom.”

Judy: “I’ll ground you. I’m not afraid.”

*sniff* Wow, time passes by relatively quickly in this game…

She looks the exact same! I love her dearly.

And I think we’ll end this chapter here! Hopefully the next one will bring some teenage angst and no more toddlers! YAY!


  1. Woo, everyone is growing up. Yeah, those sentiments with the kids/parents where there is some sort of hurt are interesting. I'm still trying to capture what causes them. Yaz is so adorable, I don't blame everyone for being wrapped around her little finger. Congrats on all the birthdays and the happy toddlers! I would have said maybe Alexander didn't send presents to the other boys because he wasn't old enough, but I don't know if you have aging even turned on for the non-played sims. If so, that could be the reason though. It was a fun update, and happy birthday to Judy.

    1. It's so funny because once they turn from toddlers to children, the birthdays never seem to stop.
      I mean, I get it. If a parent tells you off for doing something, you're going to be angry but sometimes they just appear if a parent tells a bad a joke which is ridiculous!
      Yes! I'm surprised at how happy all the toddlers seem to be. I genuinely thought I would fail this challenge.
      No, I have aging turned off for non-played households. It's so I can marry in a bunch of premade sims.
      Thank you! And thank you for reading! <3
