Sunday 1 August 2021

The Name Game: Judy-Bo-Budy | Chapter 10: Full House

Hello and welcome back to Judy's Name Game where Judy has passed on and is now being carried on by her son, Uziel. 

We have finished Uziel's name by the arrival of Logan so now all I have to do is keep the kids alive. Can I do this? Let's hope so or this challenge will end quickly!

And we immediately jump into Eva and Ioan playing with the doll house!

Sorry, they did this in sync, I couldn’t resist!

Ewan: “Kitty!”

Ewan: “Kitty upside down!”

Note to self, if Ewan is heir, don’t buy him cats.

Uziel, you’ve been in the gummy bear pancakes again, haven’t you?

Uziel: “Nooooo!”

Uh huh…

Ma’am, where are your pants?

Zico: “There’s no way your Meduso is beating my Wisp!? I’ve been training him!”

Zoha: “This is too easy and so boring… Can we do something else?”

Zico: “NO!”

Zoha: “And then I made my Meduso pound his Wisp and he cried like a little girl.”

Uriah: “Ahahaha! That’s what he gets.”

Johnny: “Yes, ha… The pound… On his Wisp…”

Also please ignore the fridge that’s on the blink…

Zico: “You’re not gonna go mad over heteronormativity are you?”

Johnny: “I don’t even know what that means, son.”

Uziel: “Uriah, just because you have the creative spirit of Jackson Pollock running through you doesn’t mean you can mess up my kitchen!”

Uriah: “You’ll never understand my spirit! You’ll never understand my art!”

Ioan: “I think his artwork looks the same.”

Zoha: “Me too… Wait… Ioan?”

Ioan: “I mean, goo goo… gaga?”

Zoha: “Aw, I love you little brother!”

Freakin’ finally. I’m so keen to get all these kids out so I can go through the grief process of trying to keep up with 7 of them.

If you’re in pain, Uziel, there is a crib in your bedroom waiting for you!

Uziel: “No! My babies need me to play dollhouse with them!”

God alive. I just keep having boys. Why game? WHY!?

Welcome Logan, and finally Uziel’s name is complete…

Eva isn’t very happy to find out that she has a younger brother.

Eva: “Can’t we sell him?”

You’ve been spending too much time with Ioan, Eva.

Eva: “RAWR! I’m a kitty!”

Johnny: “Well, then, if you’re a cat we should take you to the vets and get you spayed.”


Eva: “I don’t trust you, old man.”

Why does it look like Ioan’s doing the “I had to do it to them” meme pose?

We have some very smart kids. Especially since Johnny and Uziel spend all of the time with the toddlers and Logan, and only interact with the kids when they scold them for making messes…

See? Johnny can’t leave the toddlers alone.

Hey, Uriah. Sorry I’ve been neglecting you, Zico, and Zoha.

Uriah: “It’s okay. We’ll find you and kill you, but it’s okay.”

Oh goo- Wait. What was what?

Uriah: “It’s okay.”


Y’all aren’t helpful! You can’t do anything with the baby so please just let Johnny do his job!

God. Are you another vampire or just a creeper? You know this house is full of kids, right?

Get out of here.

Ioan’s such an interesting case – he makes close friends with everyone but especially Eva and Zoha.

Uriah: “Uh… Logan didn’t like my joke!”

No surprise there. Why don’t you go draw some pictures and let your dads care for him?

Uziel has a reunion with his mother!

Uziel: “So, I have seven kids but we finished my name.”

Bella: “Seven grandchildren?! How perfect! I wish I were alive to see them!”

Whatever you’re about to do, Zico, don’t.

Zico: “You can’t stop me.”

I can, but then I’ll have to contend with Uriah and Zoha so…

Wait. I can lock the door!

Zico: “Nooooo!”

Uziel: “This is a toothbrush. You clean your teeth with it.”

Ioan: “Or probe.”

Bella: “My God, he’s actually invited one of those things into my house!”

Johnny: “Kids, your dad might’ve just secured your future with the lottery! Don’t all cheer at once.”

They don’t understand you, dingus.

Yesssss alien child!

Ioan: “Share?”

Ewan: “No. Piss off.”

Oh joy. We lose one toddler and gain another…

Good for Uriah! It’s honestly a life saver that the kids just straight up do their homework without needing to be told to do so…

So, with it being Johnny’s birthday soon, I’m going to let Uziel have his birthday too. He’s technically a day younger than Johnny so his birthday will be the day after…

I just don’t like how the sims don’t age when they’re pregnant… I don’t know why such a mechanic exists but…

Please forgive the glitchy games machine…

Zico: “How does your Meduso keep beating my Wisp?”

Zoha: “Because you suck!”

Judy: “Food used to bring me so much joy but now…”

That’s probably because you’re eating a pre-made PB&J.

Judy: “Oh… How embarrassing…”

Uziel decided to shed some baby weight by taking up boxing and I think Johnny likes watching him?

Johnny: “My hot as hell husband getting worked up in a sweat? Yes please.”

Eva and Ioan might as well be twins instead of Eva and Ewan. They do everything together!

Another creative child!

Ioan also got the music lover trait which makes sense seeing as I kept finding him dancing in the kitchen throughout most of his toddlerhood.

Logan is clingy.

Joy. JOY!

He is pretty cute though, but he does need a makeover.

Also I had no idea Uziel was glitching in that other picture whoops...

Wait… You… Uriah’s at school and you’re not Zoha… Who-

Ioan: “Greetings Earthling.”

No, I don’t like it Ioan. Change back, please.

Ioan: “Better?”

Much, much better.

Here’s little Logan after his makeover. However, now I’m looking at him… the more I think I made him resemble Logan Paul… I’m angry with myself now.

Ewan: “Wanna play a game?”

Ewan: “What anima’? Ooh-aah-aah!”

Eva: “Monkey!”

Ewan: “YES!”

Sorry Uriah but in all fairness, this is what I would’ve done as a student lmfao.

Says a lot about me tbh…

CASSIE KENNY!? Quick, someone find her and marry her into the family in the next generation so we can have all the money…

Zico’s doing really well in school and Zoha… isn’t…

I don’t know why? She does her homework just like her brothers. I’m calling shenanigans…

But, regardless, Zico’s being a helpful twin brother by doing his homework with her.

Uziel: “Give me a day off, please!”

Wait. Wait. You WANT to stay at home with your three toddlers? I would’ve thought work would be the vacation!

Eva has decided to start exploring the kitchen now. She can’t be a Master Chef because Judy completed it already but if Judy hadn’t, then perhaps this could’ve been foreshadowing?

Let’s pretend it is.


Autumn is going to be a BUSY event. Fun. But Uriah becomes a teenager so he’ll be able to help out with the tots and stuff… even though Logan grows up on Harvestfest…

Ioan, jealous that his siblings have their own voidcritter cards, decides to dumpster jump to find one of his own!

It also seems that Zoha has developed an affinity to the chemistry table despite being creatively inclined.

She plays with it more than Zico does.

What did you find, Ioan?

Ioan: “Yorier! Isn’t he cute!?”

Oh. Yeah, it is pretty cute. It looks like [redacted].


Oh, it seems that for copyright reasons I am not allowed to name the Pokemon that Yorier resembles.

This family, just like the previous generation, is very male inclined. I hope Zoha and Eva tag-team when Eva’s a little older to take them all down!

Ioan is off for his first day of school! I hope he enjoys it!

Logan: “Evewywan gone!”

No! No! You’re not alone. Eva and Ewan are still at home, and your daddy!

Ah. It seems like Daddy and his siblings are not good enough.

Logan: “HAPPY PONY!”

Uriah and Zico, the two A students, are doing their homework together. Maybe this is how Zico got an A long before Zoha did.

Uziel: “Uh Logan. Heyyy buddy…”

Uziel: “Why don’t you calm down a bit, huh?”

Uziel: “Let’s not throw tantrums, okay?”

Uziel: “At least you’re a good kid, Ioan.”

Ioan: “Why thank you, Father.”

Uziel: “Uriah, what you are doing to music is considered a crime in 50 countries.”

Oh boy… Here we are. Johnny has reached adulthood. Thankfully we managed to get all the kids popped out before this stage so I can’t be too pressed about it!

If only we hadn’t had twins when we came to the letter E. I’m still bitter about it!

Uziel: “You age like a fine wine, my love.”

Uziel is back into dancing now that he’s no longer in a constant state of pregnancy. I also decided to keep the dad bod because I figured Uziel could rock it.

A nice warm weekend in the summer means that I’m sending out the kids to skate whilst Johnny and Uziel skill and the toddlers are off doing whatever they want. I’m getting a good hang on playing this household now, I’m totally gonna pat myself on the back.

Uriah: “At least let me get up first!”

No, you fell down. You stay down.



I don’t know the words. I saw the movie once, saw Hugh Jackman in concert once. I don’t care much for Les Mis but I am very happy to only have one toddler in the house very soon.

But first…

Uziel: “Can’t even afford proper candles? How much of a cheap family are we?”

I figure that the only reason that this happens when adults age up is because they don’t WANT to age up?

This is a strange feeling. I’m not entirely sure my progress will hit until he dies…

Ewan: “No more dancing!”

Ewan’s feet must be feeling guilty.

… Guilty feet have got no rhythm? I’m never gonna dance again?

George Michael?


God this family is just full of happy sims. Ioan is stressed because he loves music and there is none and Zoha’s stomping around because she’s hot-headed and even just one person looking at her in the wrong way will make her cross.

Logan: “I wuv you!”

Okay, but I just wanna talk about how feckin’ cute it is that the toddlers just straight up glomp the big stuffed animals.

It’s so cute!

Uriah: “You guys realise once the other twins grow up, we can tag team the dads and Gray, right?”

Zico: “I mean sure, but why?”

Uriah: “Heirship, duh?”

Zoha: “Doesn’t matter. She’s using Excel to choose the heir, isn’t she?”

Zico: “Ah, yeah, you’re right. For once.”

Zico: “What’s up, Zo?”

Zoha: “What do you mean ‘for once’?”

Run kid! Run!

Uziel: “Only one more toddler left!”

And a hundred children.

Uziel: “Shut up, I’m trying to see the silver lining!”

Boy, there is none. There is NONE!

Ewan gained the slobby trait as well as the physical aspiration for a bit of extra fun!

Eva is a gloomy soul who also got the physical aspiration like a twin. Geez… These twins.

Oh, I guess Uziel was right after all. There is a silver lining!

Here are the twins! I’m kinda glad they look like twins more than Zico and Zoha do.

And we’ll end this chapter with Ewan and Eva playing on the pirate ship!

Until next time!

1 comment:

  1. It took me so long to get back to this family! Still I'm going to finish up what you have written. I also find it very weird that sims don't age when pregnant. Especially since it doesn't stop both parents, so the pregnant ones gets WAY off age of the other one, even if they weren't before. I suppose it's probably to give them time to age up children if they were almost elders?? Aww, Logan is cute! That is a LOT of birthdays. So many kids, but you are doing great!
