Saturday 1 January 2022

The Name Game: Judy-Bo-Budy | Chapter 11: Fade Away

Hello and welcome back to my name game! This is the turning point where the children are growing into teenagers!

I also bought City Living and Snowy Escapes between chapters 10 and 11 so get ready for exploring and a lot of Snowy Escapes CAS clothing and hair!

With that let's go!

(Please note this was written back in early July before any of the new updates!)

Ah, it seems like Ioan had a rough first day at school.

“Teachers can be so annoying sometimes…”


I can see where Uriah and Zico get their nose-in-a-book attitude from. Shockingly, it’s NOT Uziel!

Logan: “EEEK!”

Bella: “What?”

You’re spooking your own grandson, you demon!

Bella: “Oh, darling, he’s seen stranger things!”

Nooo… I don’t think so…

Johnny: “It’s okay, Logie Bear. Your Grandma Bella isn’t long for this world.”

She’s already dead, Johnny… She can’t die again!

Well, it seems like Johnny’s misplaced sentiments has definitely improved Logan’s hesitance with Bella.

He invited her to boogie with him!

Bella: “You just cannot dance like this in the afterlife, darling!”

Oh… That’s what Johnny meant by “she’s not long for this world”. I’m half-tempted to strengthen her connection but perhaps it’s for the best? Bella and Judy have spent their time in this world and it’s time for them to just rest in peace.

PRAISE! There’s only one baby left in the house!

Johnny: “This is a spoon.”

Logan: “I am sus.”

Darcy: “What gives, big bro? You get married and have a family and suddenly you’re too good for your siblings?”

Uziel: “You try having seven children in a row, Darcy! See how you like it!”

Darcy: “Alright, fine…”

Darcy: “I would still have time to visit my family.”

Dude, I’ll have you abducted. Don’t you make Uziel feel guilty for no reason!


And he maxes logic too! Uziel is a wizard!

Now, let’s see if he can max his career…

Can you smell that? It’s the smell of independence and no more diapers!

Uriah: “But first, it’s me!”

It’s time to have the first teen in the house!

I totally effed up hardcore so…

Here is Uriah’s aspiration which is Friend of the World and his new trait is clumsy!

It’s funny. He has Johnny’s nose and lips and somehow, SOMEHOW!, he looks just like Uziel…

Zoha: “Leather jackets are for squares, Uriah.”

Sorry but I actually felt my heart squeeze when this popped up. Eva and Ewan are so cute!

More teenagers! More teenagers!

Soon, I’ll be announcing the heir that Excel’s randomiser has chosen for me!

Logan: “Ham n cheeeeese!”

Logan: “I am empty inside.”

I think he wanted the PB&J more…

The problem with having so many kids is that you’ll click on one randomly and find them breaking down at the computer.

Obviously the typing game is just too much for little Eva.

Johnny: “It’s much better to play dolls with someone else.”

Eva: “… Daddy… You haven’t been playing with our dollhouse on your own, have you?”

Johnny: “Nooooooo!”

I kept hearing sniffling as I was sending everyone to bed and I discovered that both Zico and Zoha are crying themselves to sleep.

Either they had another argument oooor they’re sad about growing up soon.



Eva, pls.

Eva: “Lets feed the grass flour and chocolate syrup!”

It doesn’t need it! EVA, PLEASE!

Uziel: “As the great songstress Ariana Grande would say: one last time.”

Another whiz kid (I was going to make him creative until I realised Zico was the only whiz kid so I evened it out hehehe) and he’s gotten glutton as a random trait. Huh.

Nearly all of the toddlers have grown up really well too! Even with a house full of kids, I’m still the best at raising them!

Zico. Boi.

I was about to admit that I didn’t know that kids could get ill but then when I played the doctor career from GTW, I remembered that kids were the majority of the patients lmfao!

Thank god there’s a mini playground near the house so I don’t have to send Eva and Ewan far to progress in their aspiration.

Uziel: “If one of my sons takes over the family, I’ll never rest peacefully in the afterlife, Jack.”

Uriah: “Dad, I’m right behind you.”

Eva: “Land ho!”

Zico: “I don’t think it’s fair to call Ms Caliente that, Eva.”

Ewan: “Wait, which Ms Caliente? The pretty ones or the old one?”

Uriah: “Urie, you are a legend. You are the coolest guy. Everyone wants to be your friend, Urie.”

Is the pep talk working, bud?

Uriah: “GRAY! Were you watching me?”

I’m always watching, Urie.

Zoha: “Hey, Uncle Jack, maybe you should give Zico some pointers on how to be a grateful loser when I become heiress.”

Zico: “Or maybe you should teach Zoha to be less of a bi-“

Jack: “Uh… UZIEL!?”

Uziel: “Hey, Jack! You bonding with the kiddos?”

Jack: “Sure…”

Eva’s such a good big sister – she’s completed her aspiration so she’s helping Logan with his.

Logan: “You do realise that’s check, right?”

Eva: “Ah. Hm.”

Uziel: “Who would’ve guessed that the best kid isn’t even a simian.”

Ioan: “Why thank you, Daddy.”

I know this just means that Johnny’s reached serenity or whatever but… to me it just reads that his head’s empty enough to reach mindfulness in a house full of children.

Ioan: “Ha ha, being a pirate is so much fun!”

Bella: “Judy, there’s an alien in my house! I miss you!”

It’s Judy’s turn to fade away.

Logan’s first day at elementary school and Uriah starts high school!

Zico randomly is given Master Vampire as his aspiration. Thanks Excel.

Zico: “Me? A vampire?”

Uriah: “What a joke, right?”

Zoha wants to be a mixologist! I guess Grandma Judy really rubbed off on her!

Also, she’s unflirty which is the funniest thing to me.


Zoha: “Say badass!”

Y’all. Y’all…

Thank you to the teenagers for doing your homework together!

The hell you are, Judy.

Johnny: “I know you boys are clearing up but this is my jam so…”

Zoha and Eva have to stick together seeing as they’re the only two girls in the household.

Logan: “A monster, you say?”

Logan: “Let me tell you the story about the farmer and the magic beans.”

Meanwhile in the background his siblings are freaking the feck out!

Of course Logan would be the one to make friends with the monster under the bed…

Uziel: “I mean, this is just lavender disinfectant in water so…”

Yeah, but the kids think it works so it works!


Judy: “I am haunting you!”

Judy, I swear to God, girl.

I am losing my mind with these kids. They cannot age up fast enough honestly.

Zoha: “Oooh look at me, I’m Logan. I’m the youngest and I think I’m so cool because I’m the baby!”

Zoha: *blows raspberries*

Logan: “Alright, Zoha…”

The twins who cause trouble together get punished together.

Luckily, Ioan is about to become a teenager, meaning there are only three children left in the household!

Ioan is an outgoing music lover who wants to be a public enemy.

I can name a few people in modern history who this describes lmfao.

I accidentally left whims on whilst playing another household and Ioan had the whim to go ice skating since the rink was so close to home.

He seemed confident until he stepped onto the ice.

Ioan: “Wait, hang on! I’m getting it!”

Ioan: “Wheeeee!”

Uriah: “Ooh look at me, I’m Zico and I’m blond and pretty and a total four-eyes! Eeeeeuuuugh!”

Uriah: “Suck my d, Zico.”

Zico: “Ahahaha… I’ll kill you.”

Ioan hadn’t returned home after ice skating and I found him doing his homework on the bench nearby.

Ioan: “This is the closest to peace and quiet that I’ve ever had!”

Uziel: “I need a vacation!”

Ugh, fine. You need a day to get your skills up anyway so take your take vacation day.

There. Don’t ever say I don’t do anything for you, Uziel.

That seems like a really intense way of playing the sims, Uziel.

Uziel: “They won’t eat the food! EAT THE FOOD!”

Uriah, whatever you do, don’t turn around.

Ewan must be hitting the terrible tween years.

There goes Ioan, off to high school.

Look at that. All of those greyed out faces. It’s so beautiful.

Zico: “I’m glad you love yourself, Zo, but I really need to shower.”

Zoha: “Don’t be such a dweeb, Zee.”

Eva finds that playing on the pirate ship alone is far better than playing with her brothers.

This is what Johnny calls a “masterpiece”. Johnny. Please.

Oh God, I’m so close to ending this generation my heart physically aches lmfao

Nearly all of the Andersons are present, except for Eva who is unable to join them due to a lack of seating.

With the next day being Winterfest, I let all of the kids help Uziel decorate the tree. I did a different colour scheme this year, red and gold and white.

Zoha: “Yes! I love Winterfest!”

And I thought Eva was the gloomy one.

Uziel gets to making the grand meal, a simple turkey dinner, and the festivities end with everyone having a really good day!

I feel like I should know these kids better. I believe this is Logan but it could very well be Ewan. Regardless, Logan or Ewan did this of his own volition which is very endearing.

Clearly Logwan wants to get his manners up!

The next day Uziel is back to cooking from scratch. Since I have Snowy Escape, it introduced matcha tea cake which I am MAD for so…

Ewan and Eva had to use it for their birthday!

Spy Logan being a little s-word in the background.

Ewan goes first, as he was born first.

Ewan gets the active trait and wants to be a chief of mischief.

Eva’s up next and Zoha is very excited for her little sister to age up. Perhaps the two of them can go on ventures to San Myshuno or something for karaoke nights. That’d be fun.

Eva rolls the kleptomaniac trait and her aspiration is fabulously wealthy.

Definitely a range of characteristics in this family.


Because the twins don’t have school after growing up I sent them to the ice rink to have a little bit of fun.

Eva: “Eat my dust, Ewan!”

Judy, what the hell, man!?

Judy: “This place is a mess!”

You’re the one who broke everything!

Oh my God finally! Soon we’ll be able to find out who our randomised heir is!

The twins start their first day of high school.

Way to make an impression, Eva – stealing books from your school is a one way ticket to getting kicked out.

Ewan: “Gotta take a snap of my mac and cheese for the ‘gram!”

Who is this child!? Where did she come from!? Why are you making a mess in my house?!

Zico, please pull yourself together.

Zico: “But I’m so embarrassed.”

And I’m embarrassed for you, bro.

Eva braves the cold to get her painting skills up so she can secure an A when she returns to school after the weekend.

And I leave you with this lovely picture – Having a big family actually does make New Year’s Eve feel more fun and eventful, especially when all the kids start singing Auld Lang Syne.

See you in the next chapter!

1 comment:

  1. I love Zico and Zoah's make-overs. They both look great! Poor Zoha with that winterfest gift, but funny. You are so close to having all teens. You've done really well. I don't know if you'll ever come back to the family, but you did have some characters for sure!
