Tuesday 5 November 2019

The Literal Booker Legacy - Generation 4, Chapter 3: At Last

Hello and welcome back to The Literal Booker Legacy where literature is the name and Sims 2 is the game!!

Bronte’s daughter, Shelley, married Heath Butler, her high-school sweetheart and the two had three very cute children, Angelou, Morrison, and Baldwin.

Let’s start this chapter on a high note.

Baldwin: “Thanks for the lift, bus driver!”

*drum roll*

Baldwin: “Yes, an A+!”

Morrison is a super neat sim and she’s always running around the house cleaning up. We have actually since hired a maid but because Morrison cleans autonomously, she’s basically a waste of money.

What irony.

This is Offred, another first cousin once removed to the Booker kids. Because of the rate that I play the spare families, it means that they’ll be sticking around whilst the next few generations of Bookers are churned out.

Offred, in case you forgot, is the child of Atwood and Ericka.

I’m kind of hoping that naming the spare’s kids after characters from books will help people remember who the kids belong to. But, I suppose, unless you’ve read the books related to the authors, or the characters are just that well known, you won’t relate them.

Allow me to spam you with a few pictures of Baldwin being adorable.

I think he’s watching Morrison play a video game.

He’s such a backseat gamer, I love him.

Wham! That must have hurt, Baldwin!

Baldwin: “I’m seeing stars!”

Walk it off, kid.

Morrison: “Haha, you almost turned into an owl, that was so funny!”

Baldwin: “You like funny!?”

Baldwin: “You’re right, that was funny!”

I keep wanting to call Angelou Bronte or Shelley for some reason. All these kids with strange names (because they’re usually last names) is making my head spin.

Anyway! Angelou and Morrison are still close to one another despite Angelou being a teenager now. I kind of hope Angelou and Baldwin will grow closer too, I love when siblings are close.

Plus, we don’t want a repeat of Atwood, yeesh.

God knows what will happen if that kind of animosity continues to grow.

Oh yes, these two are still madly in love.

I bet you could have guessed they’re three-bolters, right?

Shelley: “Heath, you’re so naughty! What if the kids saw!”

Oh! I didn’t know sims could do this! 

*checks notes*

Morrison is a ten for playfulness so I guess I shouldn’t be surprised.

Morrison: “Whee!”

It’s harvest time! Just before Shelley has to go to work, too.




Those abs though.

Baldwin: “Angelou is a big poo-poo head.”

I don’t think gossiping about your big sister is a good idea when she’s right next to you.

You see, Baldwin, this is what happens when you gossip about people in front of them.

Doesn’t matter, Baldwin plays video games instead.

So, I forgot to mention this earlier but when Morrison was studying cooking the previous chapter I received a notification that her OTH is cuisine!

And Baldwin’s is gaming.

I’m really happy, these kids have such a variation of OTHs!

Bronte’s feeling her age and because Leory will become an elder soon too, she gives him a belly rub.

Oh, it’s a cake!

Angelou, you made it home just in time!

Angelou: “Why? Is it someone’s birthday?”

Yes, actually.

It’s Morrison’s.

Morrison rolls Knowledge, the first to be born into the legacy, with a LTW to become a Space Pirate!

I’m loving these varying LTWs the kids are rolling.

Morrison likes red headed sims who wear make-up-

Morrison: “Just call it like it is, you know you want to.”

Morrison is a LESBIAN* who doesn’t like it when sims wear perfume.

*this is my unconcealed excitement.

Uncle Ellis really likes to bond with his nieces and nephews, it’s very sweet.

Bronte: “Ellis, I want you to know how proud of you I am. You’re raising your twins boys so well, I know they’ll be as wonderful as you.”

Ellis: “Aww Mom!”

Here’s Morrison after a make-over. All of the kids in this generation have their quirks, I wonder how easy it’ll be for you to vote for the heir.

Not to forget their bond now that she’s older, Morrison immediately starts to dance with Baldwin.

Bronte, you already helped Baldwin with his homework why are you-

*checks life meter*


Oh no.

Bronte: “I just want to spend some time with my little man before he becomes a little man.”

See what I mean about the auto-cleaning? Morrison immediately makes her bed as soon as she climbs out.

Baldwin’s sleeping contently beside her.

Morrison also tops her teen career!

She’s the second overachiever!

We have yet to have an abduction this legacy, come on Angelou, be the first.

Leroy becomes an old boy.

Bronte’s the first to give him love and affection.

And then she decides to take him for a walk in the brisk autumn afternoon.

Morrison: “We aren’t done with the cakes yet!?”

Is this going to be the Booker’s running gag? The way they hate cakes?

It’s time for the youngest Booker child to reach teenhood.

If you listen carefully, you can hear Shelley celebrating.

Baldwin rolls Family!

He wants to raise 20 Puppies or Kittens, which is actually really doable and I’d love to try it. I love puppies *3*

Baldwin likes fit blond(e) sims but hates swimwear.

Not a single straight sim this generation, huh? Interesting *strokes chin*.

Shelley: “At last, our kids are teenagers!”

Shelley: “I love you!”

Okay so, it’s been a while since I’ve done this BUT! I want to congratulate you all about your variation in personalities, OTHs, and LTWs. I’m honestly psyched to play any of you for the next generation.

Angelou: “Whoa, wait what?”

So, basically, all three of you will be going up onto an heir poll when you reach college so people can vote for their favourite to take over the family.

Whoever gets the most votes wins, obviously.

Baldwin: “So basically, this game is mine to win because we’ve have four generations of females in charge.”

Technically, yeah.

Morrison: “Well, may the best sim win then?”

Angelou & Baldwin: “I intend to.”

Morrison: “Okay, then?”

Shelley: “Hey, Mom, you’ve been kind of down lately, are you okay?”

Bronte: “Why wouldn’t I be? You’ve done so much more than I ever thought possible for this family.”

Shelley: “Okay, now you’re really spooking me. What’s going on?”

Bronte: “Well… I better tell you now…”

Bronte: “I’m dying.”

Shelley: “What, like in the existentialist kind of way?”

Bronte: “No, like in a the grim reaper is going to take me at sundown kind of way.”

Shelley: “Oh…”

Bronte: “I need to go tell Ellis before it’s too late.”

Bronte: “Ellis, hey, son, it’s me… What? No I’m fine… I just need to tell you something…”

Bronte: “I know you’re busy with the twins but can you just spare me two seconds? … Okay, here I go…”

Bronte: “I’m going to play chess until the sun goes down. Take care of your family.”

Shelley: “I hope I’ll be as good of a grandmother as you were.”

Bronte: “It’ll come naturally to you, I promise.”

Bronte: “Makoto… You were always the one I found hard to let go of.”

Makoto: “R-really?!”

Bronte: “No, you daft fool. Just give me my plaque and go.”


Bronte: “Don’t cry. I’ve told you this before.”

I’m gonna miss you. You were my favourite.

Bronte: “It’s not like you can’t remake me and play me in another hood.”

Listen, I’m trying to have a moment here!

Bronte: “And I need to pee, hurry up.”

You’re a grouchy old lady…



Grim: “I think it’s time for you to join your mothers and grandmothers in Valhalla.”

So… It exists?

Grim: “Listen, I just say what you want me to say. I just know you were watching Thor: Ragnarok last night.”

Bronte Booker.

You exceeded my expectations as a sim, as a mother, as a grandmother. You were my all-time favourite thus far and will stick in my heart for a very long time.

I wasn’t inclined towards Romance sims, much preferring to play any other aspiration but you changed my mind about Romance sims completely. You made them more fun to play. I hope that one of the future Bookers will take after you in terms of accomplishments but until then…

Rest well.

Sleep well.

Shelley: “MOOOOOM!”

Apparently the grief became too much for Angelou as she’s decided to leave for college that night.

Everyone comes to say goodbye to her, isn’t that sweet?

See you at college!

Angelou: “Don’t take too long.”

Shelley, in her sleep: “One down, two left to go.”

What’s that face for?

Shelley: “I become an elder today.”

Oh, snap, you’re right!

Shelley: “It’s weird to think how little I wanted this responsibility but the idea of being immortalised in a painting for the remainder of the legacy kind of excites me.”

Heath: “My lady.”

Shelley: “Ah, my prince charming.”

Shelley autonomously decided to feed Andrea’s fish.

Morrison, stop whinging about the frickin’ cake!

Morrison: “Fine, I’ll smustle instead!”

You do that.

Hey, look who’s here to visit! It’s Angelou!

Heath: “Are you ready, my love?”

Shelley: “With you? Always.”

Yikes, you both made bad life choices together.

Here they are! I gotta admit, whilst Shelley wasn’t my particular favourite heiress, this couple was probably one of my favourites.

They made some interesting kids.

The party continues in the dining room. Ellis and Shelley get into the groove whilst two townies smustle in unison!

Are you sure your work clothes are the best things to wear when having a water balloon fight?

They’re not listening to me at all…

Well, at least they’re having fun.

Bronte has already started her haunting.

Shelley and Heath are still in love with each other, like you would expect it to be any other way, really…

Two Booker sims sleep in their beds.

Whilst one remains empty...

Not to fear, Angelou soon calls home.

Shelley: “Well, what did you expect? It’s college, of course you have to do additional reading.”

Morrison: “Mom said it’s my turn for the computer.”

Baldwin: “Tough, I’m playing Bustin’ Out.”

Nevertheless, Morrison gets a chance to apply for scholarships and move to college after returning home from work.

Daddy’s here to say goodbye.

Heath: “Take care, little one.”

Morrison: “Thanks, Dad.”

Morrison: “See you soon?”


Baldwin is not too choked up about being the last Booker kid in the household.

Heath: “Well, I’m sure your sister didn’t mean to eat your pancakes, Morrison…”

Shelley: “Can those kids not learn to share?”

Oh hey, it’s me! With a new hairstyle because I change my hair IRL way too much.

Gray: “You also need a haircut.”

… I know… *sigh*

So, I noticed that Leroy’s life bar is close to the end so I let Shelley give him some love and affection.

But soon the Grim Reaper was here to tear this dog away from his loving family.

Grim: “Please stop adopting dogs, this always makes me sad.”

Grim: “But a job’s a job.”

Grim: “Can you fetch the stick?”

Grim: “Good boy!”

Bye Leroy…


No more dogs for a while… I want to see who wins the heir poll before we start bringing more pets into the family.


So, I thought, because Baldwin is a family sim, I’d let him have a date before going to college.

This is Claire Tellerman, who you MIGHT remember from Atwood’s adventures as a pleasure sim back in Gen 2.

I think I might make her a possible spouse for Baldwin, what do you guys think?

A little flirt here…

He’s going in for a kiss!

Baldwin: “You smell divine.”

Every inch of me, as a literary geek, is screaming at me for making Baldwin, named after James Baldwin, attracted to girls…

I might have to hold off and see if there are any cute blond male sims at college…

Oh yes, Baldwin is also super playful like Morrison and Shelley.

Baldwin: “Going under, blub blub blub.”

Because Shelley only works one day a week, she gets lonely easily when Heath goes to work and Baldwin to school.

So, she talks to her plants.


Baldwin: “Afraid so.”

Shelley: “Wait, my baby!”

Shelley: “Bye son!”

Baldwin: “Bye Mom.”


And so, we end this generation with a short three chapters.

The next time we see these young kids will be at college and the next time we return to the house, it shall be brand new! I'm doing a little remodelling, the house is getting kinda boring...

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