Wednesday 13 May 2020

The Literal Booker Legacy - The Spares, Part 2: Ellis, Hardy, Lawrence, & Atwood

Welcome back to the Literal Booker Legacy, the spares edition!

This time we're focusing on Ellis and his twin sons, Hardy and his three grown-up children, Lawrence and his grown up twins, and Atwood and her adult daughter!


Patrick & Opal McMillan

Patrick and Opal have moved into their new home after graduating from college! Opal is a Fortune sim who wants to be a Criminal Mastermind and Patrick is a Family sim who wants to be Captain Hero. Talk about opposites attract, am I right?

They don’t stay in this place for long because I soon realise how much I hate the Bella’s Belle Townhouses and instead move them into another apartment complex.

After getting their respective jobs, Opal realises she needs a boost in her creativity skill and so she starts working on a painting.

Whilst Patrick uses the exercise bike, which is the best piece of exercise equipment, thank you Freetime.

After having spent most of their (undocumented) time at college sharing a house with his distant and close relatives (close being his brother), Patrick and Opal make good use of finally having a space of their own.

There’s just one problem, Patrick wants a family and the house is far too small.

Opal makes a decision, if they both get promotions on their first day, they’ll move to a large apartment.

And so off Opal goes as a con artist.

And Patrick leaves as Desk Sergeant.

And I am terrible with continuity, I really am, and yet I’ll point it out in movies…

Anyway, they both got promotions! And so they moved into a newly built set of condominiums and Patrick spots his twin brother and his fiancé move in later that night.

Patrick: “Clay! I’m so glad you’re living under me and Opal! This is going to be so much fun, our kids and your kids will play together!”

Clay: “Kid. Just the one.”

Patrick: “Bro, we’re twins. It’s always pairs for us.”

Patrick: “Ratna, put it there.”

Ratna: “Okay- whoa, wait?”

Patrick: “Too slow, slick!”

Ratna: “You, funny guy.”

Ellis and Uma are excited that their firstborns have now moved closer to home, as college was so far away, and make hasty arrival when Patrick declares he and his fiancée will be getting married whilst the weather is perfect.

Ellis is over the moon to see Patrick again!

Ellis: “Now I know how my little sister felt when Baldwin returned home!”

Uma: “Do you not have any vodka? Your mom needs a drink!”

Opal: “My goodness, Patrick said his mother was lovely, but he never mentioned she was beautiful! What’s your secret?”

Uma: “A loving family.”

Opal: “Well, I don’t think I’ll have to wait long for that.”

Uma: “Gray, who the hell is this guy?”

The mailman. I wish the NPCs would stop inviting themselves to weddings.

Opal takes Patrick’s last name and becomes Opal McMillan!

Patrick, don’t you have better things to be doing on your wedding day? I don’t think spying on your neighbours consummates a marriage.

Apparently Patrick and Ryman are close friends, somehow, and so Ryman’s always calling the house to talk to him.

Looks like Patrick took my advice after all!

Opal: “You’re making me clean? I have no neat points!”

Sorry, what’s that? Can’t hear you through the glass!

Opal: “I hate you!”

Sophie, please. I am begging you to stop.

Sophie: “Never. This is what you get for making me magical and then never playing me again. Am I even relevant to legacy anymore?”

I don’t know, man, I’m tired. I just like playing with witches!

Praise the lord, we have baby number one arriving!

It’s a girl!

Monica: “Hello world, are you glad to see me?”

God, why?



I mean, I wanted them to have two kids but twins? This is just lame. Stop throwing twins at me, game, PLEASE!

This one is a boy! His name is Sean!

I think Patrick is delighted to finally have his own little family.

Somehow Patrick set fire to the stove whilst making lobster thermidor…

And then the cutest action happened, and I have never seen this before.

Patrick and Opal grabbed the twins from their cribs.

And ran outside with them.

Is that just because they live in an apartment?

Honestly, regardless, it’s such a super cute feature and I love how it gives the parents a sense of love and instinct to care for their babies.

Thankfully the fireman arrived in time and put the fire out.

Opal and Patrick enjoyed burnt lobster for their dinner…

But at least their babies are safe.

Because I am desperate to get through both Pat and Clay’s updates quickly, we skip straight to the birthdays!

Looks like Monica takes after her father! (also, yay for Uma’s nose prevailing!)

And Sean takes after Opal.

Patrick immediately rolls wants all over the place to teach his kids new skills and starts with Sean. Sean wants to learn how to walk first, and Patrick is only happy to comply.

Um, Opal, I know you’re not a family sim by nature but don’t you think booing your toddler son is too much?

Opal: “But it’s so LOUD! And so annoying!”

He’s a baby learning to puts sounds together! He’s trying his best, mother bear!

When he had returned home from work, Patrick had spotted Ratna, his brother-in-law, chilling in the hot tub and decided to join him.

Ratna: “Isn’t it strange how not that long ago we all just up and moved out of our own security and now we all have our own lives?”

Patrick: “What do you mean?”

Ratna: “Don’t you think it strange how when you were born, your parents were only just learning to live on their own without their parents? Is strange, no?”

Patrick: “Well, when you put it that way, it sort of is, yeah.”

However, time was growing shorter and the twins were soon growing up.

And here’s Monica and Sean!

And with that, I think we’ll progress to Clay’s family now.

Clay & Ratna Jayalapan

After settling into their new home, Clay immediately looks for a job as a Gamer and then gets to work on his creativity skill as he knows that the inspiration will be needed to progress in his career.

Ratna’s LTW is to max out 7 skills and so he spends most of his time skilling. 

Clay: “Can you put the book down for a bit and enjoy this movie with me?”

Ratna: “Sure.”

Clay: “… You’re not listening to me, are you?”

Ratna: “Sure I am.”

Clay: “Babe… Would you leave me if I became a werewolf?”

Ratna: “Sure.”

Clay: “I knew you weren’t listening to me.”

When the movie ends and Ratna grows too tired to continue skilling, he and Clay retreat into the bedroom where Ratna shows just how attentive he can be to his fiancé.

Clay: “I don’t want a big wedding like Patrick had. The party lasted all night long… Just a quiet wedding would be best for us, don’t you agree?”

Ratna: “I’ll do anything as long as it’s with you, honey.”

Ah! I love how you can see the neighbouring kids go off to school at 8am!

It’s Clay’s niece and nephew, Monica and Sean!

Soon, they’ll be joined by the cousin. Or cousins. Depending on how much Clay and Ratna hate me.

Aw! Clay brought home his cousin, Angelou from work!

I kinda forget how these sims are related sometimes.

It’s kinda cute how tightknit this community is, that even cousins who have never grown up together end up meeting and becoming friends later in life.

Just like they agreed, Ratna and Clay hold a private wedding in their small apartment.

Clay takes Ratna’s last name: Jayapalan.

Clay: “A true masterpiece.”

I didn’t notice how similar this photo and the previous photo looks, it’s sorta like he just popped after the wedding but this is actually a couple days later!

Clay, brimming with excitement, races up to Patrick’s apartment to tell him the good news.

Opal: “Patrick’s actually in the hot tub right now, but what’s up, Clay?”

Clay: “You can’t guess?”

Opal: “Omo! You’re pregnant!?”

Patrick, as if sensing his twin was in dire need to tell him something, immediately came up to the apartment.

Clay: “I’m pregnant!”

Patrick: “Well, ain’t that something.”

Patrick: “I’m so happy for you, lil bro!”

Clay: “I mean… lil by like 2 minutes?”

A few days later, Clay gives birth to a baby boy who he and Ratna name Arthur.

Arthur definitely takes after Ratna in genetics but that’s okay. I knew the dangers when I married them together.

Ratna is besotted with his baby boy!

And of course, these two remain completely in love.

Aw, how cute! They simultaneously reached the zone in arts and crafts!

Here’s little Arthur! He’s got Clay’s nose but the rest is Ratna as far as I can tell right now.

It’s a good mix. He’s going be very handsome when he grows up.

Ratna: “Come here.”

Arthur: “One minute, I just want to contemplate my existence.”

Ratna, who is a knowledge sim just like Clay, is ecstatic when Arthur shows interest in the block box.

Ratna: “He’s going to be very smart!”

When Arthur takes a quick nap, Ratna and Clay have a quickie in the wardrobe.

Clay likes to spend his days off playing with Arthur.

I keep forgetting my simself is in the gamer career (which is completely against character…) and so Clay brings her home from work!

Just in time too because she gets to witness Arthur become a child!

I knew it!

I knew he’d be a cutie!

Anyway, it’s now time to go to Ellis and Uma.

Ellis & Uma McMillan

Upon return to Ellis and Uma’s family, Evelyn, the baby of the family, finds that she rather prefers splashing in puddles.

Evelyn: “Mommy, you have such lovely hair. Can I style it, pretty please?”

Uma: “Um… Well… You did say please…”

Evelyn: “This is going to be perfect!”

Uma doesn’t seem convinced.

However it seems to work out in Uma’s favour as Evelyn styles her thick hair into braids.

Uma: “It’s wonderful, thank you, baby.”

Ellis definitely likes Uma’s new hairstyle.

Moony: “Hello?”


Moony: “You don’t come here often.”

No, I know.

Uma: “Mmm, I can smell that frosty winter air. I’m so excited!”

And then the snow began to fall.

Evelyn also returned home with an A+ and Uma is more excited by this.

Evelyn: “Oh yeah, I am the best!”

Evelyn: “I’m so innocent. La-di-dah.”

… Just wait till we get to the end of the update.

Evelyn quite enjoys painting in the cold, brisk winter night.

Ellis, I think, won the lottery for having the prettiest wife in the whole of Everivory Fields. Uma is just on a whole other level of gorgeous.

And Ellis knows this too. He appreciates it.

He also appreciates his little girl and makes sure she knows how much he loves her.

Whatcha readin’?

Evelyn: “A book?”

… Is that a romance novel? Are you sure you should be reading that at your age?

Evelyn: “Weren’t you ten when you read your first romance novel?”

… I was eleven actually, and it was an accident.

Evelyn: “Let’s call this an accident too then.”

I suppose I shouldn’t get too bent out of shape about it as Evelyn is growing up to a teenager not too long after reading the book.

Do you think reading that romance novel made any influence on her aspiration?

Evelyn rolls Romance and wants to woohoo with ten different sims.

Not till you get to college.

I also give Evelyn a little makeover and I’m actually blown away?

She’s… Gorgeous?

I’m not surprised, I shouldn’t be. She’s Uma’s daughter.

Evelyn: “Sup Mom!”

Uma: “Oh, is this what the kids are doing nowadays?”

Did you think I was kidding when I said she’s gorgeous?

Look at her! She’s going to really succeed as a Romance sim. Even I wouldn’t be able to resist her.
And by I, I mean my simself.

Anyway, with Ellis and Uma’s little update out of the way, it’s time to visit Jude and his wife, Lindsay!

Jude & Lindsay Hutchins

It’s a quiet day in the apartment. Both Lindsay and Jude have reached their LTWs and Robert is a week away from turning into a teenager.

Jude: “Will you guys just SHUT UP!?”

There’s Jonathan and Irene, making their way to school. They’re not technically related to Robert as Constance, their mother, and Jude, Robert’s dad, are actually first cousins.

Robert: “Aw man, a C?”

Hey, it’s better than failing!

Robert brought home Monica McMillan, Patrick and Opal’s daughter.

They make fast friends!

I seriously cannot help but love the fact that all these kids are getting along and meeting one another.

*continues to pang for a BaCC*

Lindsay: “A holiday? Do you think we’re made of money, Bobby?”

Robert: “Well, we are eating lobster…”

Lindsay: “Well, then, when you do well at college and you get a good paying job, you can go on your own holidays.”

Robert: “Why do I have to wait? I thought you two did well at college too.”

Lindsay: “…”

Robert: “…”

Jude: “Eat your lobster, son.”

With the weekend having arrived, Robert spends his time on the playground. He becomes a little dismayed to find that the other two kids in the apartment complex don’t come out to join him.

Lindsay brings home Angelou from work!

Robert: “Daddy, did you know that aliens are part of our family bloodline?”

Jude: “What in the world kind of nonsense is that? Just enjoy the game, son.”

Jude doesn’t seem to be as attentive to his family as his father was to him.


And then Lindsay brings home Clay.

Clay and Jude really hit it off. Almost as if they’re family…

You went on the stupid exercise bike again, didn’t you?

Jude: “Woof, I feel woozy.”

Well, good. I just hope you don’t die from this, you moron.

After Jude recovers from his heatstroke, he decides to join his son at the dollhouse.

Maybe confronting death has made him realise how short of a time he has left with his son.

On the day of his birthday, Robert treats himself to playing chess in his pyjamas.

Because it’s his birthday, and no one can tell him what to do.

Robert rolls Popularity with the LTW to have 10 simultaneous pet best friends.
Oi vey.

And here we end this chapter with Robert starting a beautiful painting!

I’m raising all these kids to teens for a reason, and that reason you will see in the next update!

Anyway, with this short little piece done, it’s time to move onto Bathsheba and her new fiancĂ©, Ross!

Bathsheba & Ross Free

Out of all the sims I made for these spares, I think Bathsheba got the best luck of the draw. Ross Free is also the brother of Offred’s wife, Annabelle, and Howl’s wife, Megan.

He’s honestly very cute with his little pouty mouth hehe.

I like Bathsheba looks very pleased with herself.

Oh, hey Robbie!!

Robert: “Why does my aunt live next door?”

Because there’s not enough real estate in Everivory Fields and plus it’ll be cute, a little commune of family members.

Robert: “Whatever you say…”

Ross: “I know we’ve only just graduated from college and we’ve only just moved into this apartment but… Shall we just get the married part over with so I can finally call you my wife?”

Bathsheba: “Sure.”

Don’t tell me they aren’t the cutest couple! Bathsheba is so pretty and Ross is so cute. Their baby is going to be the cutest little baby around!

Bathsheba takes Ross’ last name and becomes Bathsheba Free.

Ross… Ross. I just saw a wolf roll around in those flowers. Don’t get too close.

Ross: “Everyone should stop and smell the flowers sometimes.”

I mean, sure, but that is also just a saying, Ross, honey…

I know all fit sims look the same but I always feel shook when I see how perfect their bodies are. Like, she makes those granny panties look chic.

Ugh but this is my favourite thing about apartments: Seeing the neighbours return home from school and work.

I almost forgot who this lady was because it’s been so long since I played the game between Constance and Bathsheba’s play-throughs.

How could I forget Miss Irene, named after one of my favourite k-pop idols – Red Velvet’s Irene.

Bathsheba: “Oh, I seem to have popped!”

Ross: “That’s nice, dear.”

For someone who wanted to rush the wedding… you seem awfully blasĂ© towards the fact your wife is pregnant…

Never mind, the close Bathsheba gets to her due date, the more excited Ross becomes.

Ross: “Oh, I don’t know if I wanna watch.”

Bathsheba: “Then get out!? No one invited you here!”

It’s a boy!

I toyed with what to call him for a few minutes. I have a few names I want to save for my BaCC when I start it but I also didn’t want to just give him any name.

I first thought about calling him Gavin, so he could be Gavin Free… But then it’d look sus because why else would I have used the name Free?

In the end I picked Rhys because I did actually pick the last name Free because I was listening to Achievement Hunter when I was creating Ross’ family. 

Bathsheba: “You must be so tired, little man. Time to take a nap.”

Yes because putting your mother through hell and back to be birthed is such a tiring experience.


I think that’s actually Robert’s bedroom?

Bathsheba: “The hell do I care? They’re being noisy and my baby needs to sleep!”

So, how is life going to change now you’re new parents?


Ross: “Shush, Sheba’s trying to play a game here.”

The verdict says, there will be no change.

Ross: “Daddy has to go to work today to save people’s lives so be a good boy for your mama, okay?”

Bam! Here is Rhys as a toddler!

I think he has Ross’ eyes and mouth and Bathsheba’s nose.

Unfortunately this is where we leave the Frees… As you’ll see why in the next part.

Hardy & Veronica Hutchins

Hardy: “Well, hello. Welcome back to my sorry life.”

You’re a family sim surrounded by family, what do you have to be sorry about?

There’s plenty of food in the fridge, Gabriel.

Gabriel: “And my fiancĂ© deserves freshly cooked pork chops.”

Chandler: “Thanks for the dinner but why am I serving it up?”

Gabriel: “Because.”

Anyway, Gabriel’s fiancĂ© is Chandler Rockwell. He’s the brother of Elizabeth Enriquez, Constance’s wife!

Obligatory breaking in the new bed photo lmfao!

Oh yes, these two are still madly in love with one another. 

Hardy: “I’m home!”

Welcome back!

Hardy: “Oh, is it just you? I can’t wait for the house to be full of kids so someone else will come greet me.”

… Wow, how rude.

Hardy: “Guess I better trim the hedge before the wife gets home.”

Chandler: “I hate how much I love you.”


Lucky’s still going! She’s an old girl now though.

Gabriel: “She’s my lady!”


Annabelle and Offred?

Offred: “Guess who’s breaking all of my mother’s rules!”

Not Jude. Not Bathsheba.

No, Gabriel invites Offred and Annabelle to his wedding.

Chandler, that outfit is so inappropriate. What the hell.

Even though they’re living in the Hutchins house, Gabriel takes Chandler’s last name and becomes Gabriel Rockwell!

Offred: “Wow, is this how it feels to have a loving family?”

Gabriel: “Thanks for coming.”

Offred: “Thank you for inviting me.”

Oh, I get it now! It’s because Offred’s an only child and she wouldn’t be able to attend any weddings so Gabriel threw her a lifeline.

That’s so sweet!

I cannot stomach Chandler’s outfit, it’s so disgusting.


Lucky, NO!

Veronica: “Not my baby!”

Mickey seems very diffident now that his companion is gone.

Jude: “Why does it feel like a wedding was thrown and we weren’t invited?”

Lindsay: “Because there’s an arch in the front yard?”

Veronica: “Jude-y boo!”

Hardy: “Another sunny day shines down upon us. I have a feeling today is going to be a good one too.”

What makes you suggest that?


Hardy’s family intuition kicks in.

Mailman: “Aren’t you sweet? You usually chase me down the street. Where’s your girlfriend?”

She’s chasing butterflies in the afterlife.

Oh, god, not another one!

And then this happens!? What the hell, man!

Chandler is holding Fiona.

And Gabriel is holding Jaq.

Yup. Twins. Again.

Two girls this time though so that’s kind of a plus.

Gabriel: “Damn ghosts!”

This is little Fiona!

And this is Jaq! They both like the tropical theme it seems.

I give Fiona a little ponytail because that bob was doing nothing for her.

And then Hardy teaches her how to walk.

Hi, Mickey!

Veronica and Hardy are overjoyed to be surrounded by the pitter-patter of small feet again!

Hardy’s very doting on his grandkids whilst his son and son-in-law work during the day.

Hellooo, Evelyn!

Hardy: “I feel a chill…”

Oh. Dear. No.

Grim: “Hardy Hutchins, it is time for you to join your sister, Bronte, and your mothers, Austen and Cherry in the afterlife.”

Hardy: “Can’t I stay one more day? The girls will be growing up soon.”

Grim: “No can do.”

Veronica: “NOOOO!”

Gabriel: “DAD!?”

Rest in peace Hardy. You worked hard.


Hardy: “Wait, where am I?”

Hardy: “Oh, you’re sending me to the graveyard? Okay. Goodbye son.”

Veronica, knowing that her own clock is ticking, spends some quality time with her grandbabies.

Gabriel and Chandler spend some time together in the snow.

I really love how cute these girls are. 

So precious!

Grim: “Captain Hero Veronica Hutchins.”

Veronica: “Oh man…”

Grim: “It is time to join your husband.”

Veronica: “Well, that’s all from us folks!”

Constance & Elizabeth Enriquez

Elizabeth: “Out damn spot. Out, I say!”

Today also happens to be a snow day!

So, Jonathan and Irene decide to spend it playing The Sims 3.

Just like how their creator is spending their self-isolation playing them.

And it’s still snowing.

Elizabeth: “Aren’t your feet cold, little man?”

The nanny really wanted to speak to Jonathan so she didn’t mind glitching through the garage door.

Irene: “Do you think we’ll be best friends forever?”

Jonathan: “Forever is inevitable.”

Jonathan gained a little weight. He’s really cute!

Look at him playing the bathtub too.

Hm. I wonder where the twins got the idea of playing video games all day in their PJs.

Constance: “Huh? Where?”

I wonder.

Jonathan brought home Arthur Jayapalan and the two are now taking it turns playing on the slide in the playground.

And then when Arthur went home, Jonathan joins Irene at the dollhouse.

Hm. It may just be the lesbian in me but Elizabeth’s “International Sim of Mystery” is fire.

Elizabeth brought home Morrison from work.

She’s kinda turned into the villain of this spares update, along with Shannon.

Elizabeth: “HEY! Knock it off! I have two kids trying to sleep and it’s a school night, asshole!”

Am I biased over the fact that these two are so in love with each other?


It’s a Sunday and Constance has the day off so the family, except Elizabeth who’s at work, decide to do a family workout in the garage.

And then when Elizabeth comes home and the kids are in bed, Constance is all over her.

A new face!

Irene brought home Oliver Gothier!

Dickens and Mitch’s little boy!

Arthur Jayapalan and Oliver Gothier quickly become friends.

Maybe they’re discussing their snazzy fashion sense.

Elizabeth is just playing The Sims with the kids.

And then Both Ratna and Mitch pop over to collect their children.

Oliver: “Bye, Mrs Enriquez!”

Irene becomes a teenager!

She rolls Fortune and wants to be The Hand of Poseidon.

Jonathan rolls Romance and wants to be a Visionary.

And here are the twins, hanging out in the playground.

And now we move onto Rupert and Ryan who live with Lawrence and Tyler!

Lawrence & Tyler Enriquez

Samantha: “I don’t like it.”


Here’s little Edward! I didn’t give you a snapshot of him in the last update but I wasn’t kidding when I said he looks just like Samantha.

Lawrence continues to play the piano mournfully.

Ryan: “I don’t know if I said this before but your outfit is super hot.”

Lawrence: “You don’t want to be in here, little guy!”

Ryan is the odd one out.

Rupert: “I may be a Criminal Mastermind, but she is the devil incarnate.”

You might be right.

Just Lawrence and Ryan arguing.

Lawrence is heavily attracted to Ryan and I think him arguing with Ryan is his way of releasing sexual tensions.

Samantha: “Hi! I’m Sammy!”

Sean: “I’m Sean!”

Sean: “Don’t you think TVs are the best invention ever?”

Samantha: “Eh, I prefer the easel as my means of entertainment.”

They become fast friends!

Rupert is the bad guy with a heart of gold. 

Someone collected some fireflies.

I think Tyler felt sorry for them and so he set them free.

I can’t remember if I had a photo of Allegra’s grave in the last update but I moved her into the front garden.

Summer hits and Samantha wants to swim. But first, she tackles the giant slide!

That looked like it hurt.

Samantha: “And for my next trick-“

Let’s not quote that scene, baby girl.

Samantha: “It’s too wobbly for me!”

So this sort of gave away my style of playing. I'm actually playing Lawrence’s house first before any of the gen 2 spares and kids because I wanted to know how old the kids would be when Lawrence died. So technically, in all the previous parts, Lawrence is actually already dead.

Edward’s adorable!

Constance: “Oh, and I still win!”

Lawrence: “I’m sure you’re a cheat.”

Constance: “Or you’re just a sore loser?”

Hardy just wants to enjoy the pool.

Tyler really loves his grandchildren.

I keep thinking these two are twins but they’re not. They look like twins and are super close like twins.

I guess that’s what happens when you live in a house as cramped as Lawrence’s.

Lawrence Boo-Enriquez! You have your own bed with your own husband!

And then Lawrence and Ryan had an argument.

Here comes one Norton child.

And here’s the other.

Edward: “Are you okay, Sammy?”

Samantha: “Boohoo! Yeah.” *sniffle*

Edward: “It’ll be okay. I’m here for you.”

Samantha: “Aw, thanks, Eddie.” *sniffle*

Ryan and Rupert relive their college days.

Samantha brought home Arthur Jayapalan! I really do love how these kids are getting to know one another.

And then Samantha grew up.


She rolled Family and wants to have ten puppies or kittens.

Jesus, she’s devastatingly beautiful.

Sethe, Evelyn, and Samantha will likely pop up in future challenges and legacies (only because they’re frEAKIN’ GORGEOUS!)

I want to apologise for the string of Samantha photos but you know if you were me, you’d do it too.

How. How is one sim this goddamn pretty!?

Samantha brought Paul Gonzaga (Morrison’s alien child) home and I decided to let the two have a fling.

I actually have plans for her in this universe in regard to the Rossi’s/Gonzaga’s. So, this could potentially be awkward, but they didn’t go further than a few kisses and no one fell in love.

As of time of writing, I did have plans, but you'll seen why they fall through in the first chapter of Generation 8.

Allegra! You’ve been missed girl!

Also, I will stand a few metres away because you are terrifying to look at. Sorry.

Today’s the day Edward joins Samantha in teenhood!

I think Lawrence will miss having a small kiddies around the house to play with. They’re becoming independent young adults now!

Edward rolls Knowledge and wants to be The Hand of Poseidon, just like his father, Ryan.

And then day after came Lawrence’s time of rest.

This is technically the first death of the second generation spares.

I think this one hit me the hardest too because Lawrence gave me some beautiful kids and some drop dead gorgeous grandchildren.

Say thank you, Lawrence, everyone! *snort*

Lawrence: “Bye, Eddie!”

And then the day after, Tyler joined Lawrence in the afterlife. They’re now resting with Yvonne, Andrea, Austen, Cherry, and Bronte, in the afterlife.

The family’s back together again. Aw.

Tyler: “So long folks!”

And so we move onto the final second generation spare who will be leaving us at the end of this chapter: Atwood.

Atwood & Ericka Shin

From two relatively functional families, we move into a dysfunctional one. 

Offred: "Honey, I just want to say I'm so proud with how you're dealing with my mother."

Annabelle: "Oh. Thanks... I think?"

George makes sure that Cherry receives some attention.

These two are a lot less lovey-dovey now they're in their old age. I think they're one of those married couples who have been together so long they don't need physical affection to show much they love and care for one another.

Or maybe I'm totally misreading Atwood's character lol.

Atwood has a surprising maternal instinct considering she's a pleasure sim.

Do you like your big, grow-up bed, Georgie?

George: "It's okay."

This whole family is ungrateful.

Annabelle & Ericka: "Ooh, that's a stinky baby!"

Sabrina and William age up!

Time to see the damage!

I think Sabrina favours Offred more in the face.

William also fares quite well. It seems like George got the short end of the stick with genetics.

Atwood, what the hell!?

Atwood: "Out of my way, I am about to piss myself!"

Aw! George brought home Arthur Jayapalan.

Oh. I didn't realise how old Atwood was... I mean, I kept Offred and Annabelle from having kids for a while so Annabelle could pursue her career but...

I'm sorry, Atwood...

Ericka: "Something disturbing is happening right now."

Ericka: "NOOOOOO!"

Ericka: "I don't want to live anymore without her."

Grim: "I can fix that, Ericka Shin."

And with this heavy note, we end the spares update.

Unfortunately, this is the last time we'll see any of these spares again, other than in future legacies and challenges as townies.

My reason is simply due to corruption. I explained it in the first chapter of Generation 8 because the corruption happened half-way through the documentation for the chapter.

Basically, my game imploded. I reset the neighbourhood and only saved the spares closest to the latest generation, aka, Alcott and Joyce.

I didn't want overwhelm my game anymore than it was. 

I hope you understand.These spares hold a special place in my heart and letting them go was a difficult choice but it was keeping them or losing the whole legacy.

And I think you knew which decision was the best to make.

Until then, see you later!!

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