Tuesday 7 July 2020

The Literal Booker Legacy - Generation 9, Chapter 1: Food Baby

Do my eyes deceive me or does that say Generation 9!?

Without further ado, hello and welcome to the start of a new generation for the Bookers! 

 Only a few more updates between me and completing this mammoth legacy!

I want to thank you all for sticking with me and reading all of my updates and leaving great comments! I honestly crack up reading your reactions to my stuff. You guys make these last 2 and a bit years worth it so, again, thank you.

Now, let’s see what Dante’s reign of the Booker household will become…

Dante: “What? No renovations?”

Do you think you’re that special? No one gets renovations just for them, only if I feel like it.

Dante: “I’m starting to rethink this whole heirship.”

Well, too bad. You’re stuck here until you die.

… You’re not even gonna go see your parents first?

Dante: “I’m hungry and I don’t know where they are.”

Well, I can see one of them right now.

Christie: “This boy must think me stupid to not know that I can see him through the window!”

I’ve never seen you run this fast before, Christie.

Christie: “My little boy’s home!”

Christie: “After all the blood, sweat, and tears your father and I put into raising you and your sister, and this is how you repay us? Eating us out of house and home?”

Dante: “Mom, it’s not like you don’t have a garden outside…”

Christie: “Oh, well, never mind. Come and give your mother a hug, she’s missed you.”

Christie: “And go make sure you say hello to your father too, he takes this type of think seriously.”

Blair: “Son?”

Dante: “Oh, hi, Dad.”

*sigh* the mouth really detracts from the fact that Dante looks so much like Blair.

But I suppose the mouth is a good thing, in a way. It’s quirky and it stops him from being a face clone of Blair.

Since he’s not tired and he starts work in a few hours, I’ve set Dante to the task of painting.

Can you take a guess at what he might be painting?

Christie’s adopted her father’s adoration of the dog now she’s in her silver years.

Christie: “I believe they’re called ‘the golden years’.”

Your hair is far too silver to be considered golden, try again.

If you guessed Christie and Blair’s portrait, you were correct!


Dante is literally behind the freakin’ archway.

He’s right there, you guys!

Dante: “Complete. Now, off to work!”

Matchmaker: “Now, I don’t give these out willy-nilly!”

Yes, you do. You always give them out. Before the reboot, my family had about 3.

Matchmaker: “Well, things have changed now you’ve rebooted! I’m not going to just give them out willy-nilly!”

Sure, we’ll see about that.

Blair has had the want to call Tes for a chat and so I let him do that with Christie and Dante being at work.

I think Tes is his favourite child, but you didn’t hear that from me.

Blair: “Son, I want to play with the dog now.”

Christie: “I hate Gabriel Green!”

Here are my portraits! Only Dante and Phil’s is left!

Oh my goodness, so close!

Speaking of Phil, look who’s decided to stop by!

Phil: “That’s a nice car. Dan never said he was rich…”

Dante: “Babe!”

Dante: “Now that I’m all set up here, do you want to mo-“

Phil: “No, thanks.”

Huh? What?

Phil: “How dare you ask me to move in with you! Do you think we’re engaged or something!?”

Phil: “Don’t touch me!”

Dante: “Phil, you’re giving me mixed signals, babe.”

At first, I was worried that Phil somehow found out that Dante had woohooed with Forest during his grad party but their relationship panel was okay… So, I have no idea what is going on here.


Well, if you wanted to know where Dante got his cheating behaviour from, here you go.

Christie: “Heh heh!”

No! Not “heh heh”! I put you into this career so you wouldn’t cheat on Blair and you’ve done it again!

That’s it!

You’ve retired. How does that feel?

Christie: “Fine, you win this time, Gray.”

Okay, so you two woohooed, now please will you just move in, Phil!


Here is Phil after a little makeover! I really like this hair on him, it’s a more mature look on his college hair style.

So, here’s some stats about our Gen 8 spouse:

His name is Phil Jakobson, he’s a Knowledge sim who wants to be Chief of Staff. He’s a Pisces (like meeee!) and is neat, shy, active, serious, but nice. He likes red headed hard working sims and hates blond hair.

Blair: “I haven’t seen you before, son. Are you a friend of Dante’s?”

Phil: “Better than that, I’m his fiancĂ©.”

Blair: “Oh! You’re the elusive Phil!”

Blair: “Psst, Gray.”

What’s up, bud?

Blair: “Come here.”


Blair: “If he’s Phil then who was the man my son went off with during the graduation party?”

No one, honestly.

Blair: “My God.”

Dante likes sims with high cooking skill so I decided to let Phil master the cooking skill to give him and Dante a boltage boost.

Christie: “Isn’t Gray mean. She hasn’t mentioned you once during this entire chapter!”

… Lulu is still best girl.

There, you happy?

Christie: “Undoubtedly.”

Dante’s having to get used to the sparkly food benefits after being at college for so long so I let him have a few rounds on Bronte’s punching bag.

Officer: “Hello, I’m here to drop your dog off.”

Dante: “But we already have a dog?”

Yes! I decided to adopt another dog! Let’s fill the house with puppies!

This is Fa-Zhai and unfortunately, he’s an elder, so he won’t be sticking around for long. Sad face.

Christie: “What do you think about the Turnip stalk market?”

Phil: “It seems like the easiest way to make money. I think Gray should use it more often.”

Listen, I am lazy! I don’t have time to be running back and forth to Nook’s Cranny to be checking pric-

Why am I even explaining myself to you!?

Phil: “Like I said.”

Christie: *person person plus*

Phil: “I can’t wait to get married.”

Christie: “Ah, young love.”

Waters: “Beware, Dante’s big sister is here and she’s ready to throw hands if she needs to!”

Waters: “What’s up Gray?”

Nothing, just admiring your dress. Do you like it?

Waters: “Sure, it’s cute.”

Good, because I have plans for you in the future!

Waters: “Oh, no, that sounds ominous.”


Waters: “Hey, Dad.”

Waters: “High five, my little bro finally getting married!”

Phil: “I’m so excited!”

It’s time to start the ceremony!

Dante: “Let’s hurry because Phil starts work in an hour.”

Wait, what?

Waters: “Oh, am I the only one here?”

Oh, this is just a disaster!

Through the exchanging of rings, Phil Jakobson becomes Phil Booker!

Blair: “What did I miss?”

Just your only son’s wedding.

Blair: “Your seat, my love.”

Christie: “How charming.”

Waters: “Yay Dante and Phil!”

Dante: “Nice of you to join us, Mom and Dad.”

Christie: “My son! Hooray!”

Waters: “Phil, you just got married. How do you feel?”

Phil: “Excited!”

Runaway groom!

Okay, what’s with you two? You haven't made a single appearance since Dante came home. How come?


Dante: “I don’t think Gray should recycle her sims for future challenges, it’s just laziness.”

Waters: “You’re just jealous because I get to found one and you’re just an heir.”

Dante: “Yes *sad face*”

Christie: “Congratulations my son, I’m so happy to passing down the crown to you.”

Again, Christie, not a kingdom. Just a legacy!

Dante: “And now we wait.”

Whatcha reading?

Dante: “Norwesim Wood.”

I spy an ambulance delivering a runaway groom!

Phil: “I can’t believe we’re finally married!”

Dante: “Funny you mention that, there’s one last thing we need to do to finalise this wedding.”

It’s baby time!

Whu-What the!?

Dante: “Aw, Dad got abducted before me.”


Christie: “That spaceship is too loud!”

Christie: “Way to wreck your best suit, honey!”

Blair: “My back is far too fragile for such a landing."

Blair: “Boohoo! I got abducted!”

That’ll teach you to not stargaze for hours on end.

Lilly: “Aw, hello there! You must be Lulu’s new friend!”

Phil, you just watched Fa-Zhai pee on the floor!

Fa-Zhai: “And you’ll forget it was me.”


Fa-Zhai: “I am speaking to you, Simmer of the Gray. Obey me and forget I did such a thing!”

… This will never get brought up again.

Blair: “Geez, my neck has been playing up all day.”

Dante: “Yeah, getting thrown out of a spaceship at 67 will do that to you, old man.”

Christie: “Ugh, I hate Adventure Time!”

Also, spy baby Dante’s photo on the desk!

Dante: “Oh! I’m pregnant!”

YES! It’s happening folks!

Phil: “Mm, I hear you babe. I’m pregnant too. With a food baby.”

Dante: “No, like I’m really pregnant. With a baby. Your baby.”

Phil: “For real?”

Dante: “Yes, for real.”

Phil: “Well, then, I better be tender with you from now on. You’re carrying precious cargo.”

Dante: “Mm, I like this tender side of you.”

Phil: “I can’t wait to meet this little you!”

Christie: “No, honey, I don’t think the fact you’re craving omelettes means you’re pregnant.”

Blair: “But I got abducted!”

Christie: “You’re far too old to carry a child, my love. I’m sorry. It’s just a craving, nothing else.”

Dante: “Mom, I have some news. Turn around.”

Christie: “Is that a baby bump!? How wonderful, I’m going to be a grandmother!”

Christie: “Now, you be safe in there little one. Who knows, you might be the lucky one to end this whole legacy!”

Christie: “Hey, Mum, hey, Dad. So, Dante’s expecting. I know, It’s so soon too. I’m sad to see you go but I will be joining you very soon… And I’ll be the last Booker to join the afterlife too. I’m sad to know I’ll never see Dante or my grandchildren again but this experience has meant everything to me. I miss you both. I love you both.”

Lilly Do!

Lilly: “I get the feeling… something important happened to me… here.”

No, I’m sure it’s just a dream you had.

Lilly: “Perhaps…”

I don’t think these dogs like each other very much!

Christie and Blair have developed a habit of dancing together in random places. Today, it’s the kitchen.

Fa-Zhai: “Wake up!”

No, I really don’t think these two like each other. Maybe Fa-Zhai has a height complex.

Phil: “Hello there little one! Gray might’ve missed your second pop-“


Phil: “But Papa didn’t. I’m so excited to meet you!”

Dante: “You know the baby can’t see you, right?”

Phil: “Peekaboo! That’s one of the games we’ll play together!”

Phil: “What’s that? You say it’s too warm and cozy in Daddy’s tummy to come out? I don't blame you little one, but Papa can't wait to meet you!"

Phil: “Let’s meet soon, okay!”

Dante: “I love you.”

Blair: “Why is my wife trimming her bushes.”

… No, let’s not go there, please.

But he’s right. Why are you trimming your bushes? We have a gardener for that – It just gets worse folks.

Dante: “HELLO! I wanted to answer the phone, Dad!”

Dante: “MOVE!”

Dante: “Huh, I’m suddenly feeling a sharp, searing pain in my stomach.”

It’s time!

Dante: “OH HELL! HELP!”

Dante: “AOOUUUUH!”

Phil & Blair: “Oh the humanity!”

Christie: “Pfft, amateurs.”

And here is the first born of Generation 9!

It’s a boy! With blond hair and grey eyes!

Welcome little Murakami!

Murakami is named after Haruki Murakami, a Japanese author who is well-known for novels that focus on the average Japanese life and intermingling the everyday with fantasy. His most well-known works are Norwegian Wood, 1Q84 (of which there are three parts and I highly recommend it if you want to get lost in a good story), Khafka on the Shore, Colourless Tsukuru Tazaki and His Years of Pilgrimage, and most recently, Killing Commendatore.

Out of all the writers I’ve mentioned during this legacy, Murakami is the one I’ve read the most of.
Murakami’s namesake could also be Ryu Murakami, who writes a significantly different genre of fiction. Whilst his stories all focus in Tokyo, they focus less on the fantastical and instead explore the grim side of human nature. Ryu Murakami’s most well-known works are Piercing, In the Miso Soup, Coin Locker Babies, and Audition.

Just a warning if you delve into this man’s works for the first time – they are grim, gruesome, and very detailed. I’m usually okay with gore in stories but I had to put In the Miso Soup down twice during some of the big scenes because I felt so overwhelmed with the amount of violence.

His works are quick and easy to read stylistically but contents wise, they’re difficult and sometimes just down right depressing. However, I do recommend his stuff you like thrillers and horror stories because they are terrific for the genre they’re a part of.

Dante: “Here, take Kami, I have to go to work.”

All of a sudden!? You just gave birth!

Dante: “Don’t you want me to get a promotion?”

Sfdjkshflk, go then.

Phil: “Take a look around, Kami, this will be your room for the next few days! Isn’t it fun and cheerful?!”

Phil: “Aw, you’re a hungry little one, aren’t you? It must be exhausting - being born.”

Phil: “I hope you look as cute as you do now when you age up!”

And I think, with this big arrival, we’ll tie this chapter up with a neat little ribbon!

Still so much more left to do before the end but with each update, we get a little bit closer!

Until next time, stay safe!

See ya!

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