Thursday 13 February 2020

The Literal Booker Legacy - The College Years: Part 2, Water Under the Bridge

Hello and welcome back to The Literal Booker Legacy!

Previously we joined Dickens and our heir, Wilde, at college. Dickens met the love of his life, Mitch, but Wilde remained single. Will he be successful this time?

Wilde: “Well, I guess it’s time to find a girl online. How sad.”

Hey, I found my girlfriend online, ass. Also, online dating isn’t a thing yet. That’s a Sims 3 thing. A thing I took advantage of too often…

The online dating thing a no go then?

Wilde: “Huh? Oh, yeah it went fine. I’m meeting her later tonight. I’m just busy playing Pokemon Diamond.”

Oh, me too…

Wilde: “Yeah but I actually managed to get past Gardenia.”

… Pfft.

Lilly, muttering to herself: “I think this is the address… Oh god, what if this is the residence of a serial killer. I’ll end up on one of those podcasts that Gray listens to when she plays this game!”

First of all, the podcast is called My Favorite Murder and you’re a sim so…

Wilde wastes NO time in greeting Lilly.

Lilly, muttering: “Oh, he-hello, you must be Wilde’s older brother. I’ve heard so much about you.”

Dickens: “All good, I hope!”

Lilly, muttering to herself: “Oh dear, he’s not as stuck up as Wilde said… What do I do, what do I do?”

Dickens: “I’m sorry? Did you say something?”

Lilly: “N-no! Not at all! S-sorry!”

Dickens: “Well, I have to say old chap, she’s beautiful but very eccentric.”

Wilde: “Most boring heir in Booker history? Yeah right.”

Dickens: “I take it back then. You have proven me wrong.”

Wilde: “Watch my reign over this family be the best this legacy has yet to see.”

Dickens: “Remember what Gray told you about with your words.”

Wilde: “Ah, screw that. Thanks for everything, big bro. I’m sorry I was such an ass to you before.”

Dickens: “Water under the bridge, my dear fellow.”

Wilde: “Ha ha yes! I finally beat Candice! Ice cold!”

Oh dear. And I had such great expectations for you, Dickens.


Never mind. Dickens then invites Mitch over for some woohoo.

I think they call this a “booty call” in the younger generation’s lingo?

So uh, David Copperfie-

Dickens: “Mmpf, shut up!”

Dickens: “I can’t wait to spend every waking second letting you know how perfect you are, my darling.”

Mitch: “So, I heard you got yourself a girlfriend after all.”

Wilde: “Um, Mitch, I dunno who died and made you king of my personal life but it sure as hell wasn’t me.”

Mitch: “I’m trying to help you?”

Wilde: “Usurp me. Bore me.”

Mitch: “Oh, really? Fine, be that way.”

Wilde: “Well, this could not be more awkward…”

Hey now, what happened to the importance of being earnest?

Wilde: “Has anyone actually enjoyed your literary jokes?”

No, not that I recall but that won’t stop me!

Wilde: “Hello fishies, at least you like me!”

I have forgotten the reason for taking this photo but I’m sure it has something to do with the game Wilde is playing…

Perhaps there is a mountain vacation in store for Wilde and his future bride?

Baldwin: “Ah, this place again.”

Serdar: “Is bigger, no?”

Baldwin: “No, honey, it isn’t bigger.”

Serdar: “Looks bigger.”

Serdar: “Ah, but I remember the smustle!”

Wow Dickens, I had no idea how good of a dancer you were.

Dickens: “Hm, well… You judged me too quickly after all.”

Baldwin: “My son! I am so proud of you. I remember the day I graduated. It sticks with you forever.”

Dickens: “Father, as a graduation gift, may you please change your shirt?”

Baldwin: “How about a bursary to build a house for you and your fiancé?”

Dickens: “… Very well.”

Dickens: “Post scriptum, can you please convince Wilde to settle down with that nice Lilly girl.”

Serdar: “This child speaks like computer reciting Shakespeare.”

Baldwin: “Well, he didn’t get it from me.”

Dickens: *sigh*

Dickens: “Well hello adulthood!”

Still sticking with the Austen theme? The jodhpurs?

Dickens: “I shall change into a more accordingly fitting outfit when I move into my new home.”

Oh yay, more building for me.

Dickens: “You sound so overjoyed.”

Trust me, after building seven houses, you get bored of it. I promise to make your house lovely though.

Dickens: “Hm…”

Wilde, writing: “Dear Stephen, today is the day I feel I will enter adulthood on my own. In my gut, I can feel the exuberance, in my head, I can hear the voice of certainty. I shall propose to my lady, Lilly Do, and ready myself to carry on the next generation of the Bookers.”

Why is your diary called Stephen?

Wilde: “Noneya.”

…. Aight.

Apparently Wilde decided the perfect place for a perfect proposal was at the Lost in Love Hedge Maze.

And there she is, our future bride to be perhaps!?

Wilde: “I know this photo will cement our strength as a married couple at the helm of the family.”

You know, this overly talky business was so cute with Dickens, but with you it just comes across as obnoxious.

Wilde: “Oh crumbs, I can’t be The Obnoxious Heir!”

Wilde: “Instead, let me be The Romantic Heir. Lilly, my flower of the valley, I have one simple question for you, my love.”

Lilly, muttering to herself: “Oh, what could it be? Does he want me to change my hairstyle? Dye my hair? Is he going to ask about my father… I don’t even have a father…”

Wilde: “Will you marry me?”

Lilly: “O-oh! It was only that!?”

Wilde: “…What?”

Lilly: “O-of course I will marry you, m-my love!”

Wilde: “My heart is filled with nothing but joy!”

Lilly, muttering to herself: “Oh boy, this ring looks expensive. What if he changes his mind? Hnn… I love him so much... Would he do that?”

Wilde: “My love, you make me so happy!”

Wilde: “Now, this is romantic!”

Lilly: “O-oh, my!”

Frances: “I smell happiness! Not for long!”

Phoebe: “Actually, it will be for long, you wretched toad!”

Wilde: “Oh shoot, where did these roaches come from!?”

Phoebe: “Oh, gross. He’s related to Sophie?”

Are you a lesbian now? I feel like you are?

Phoebe: “I mean, you decide if I am.”

… True. You’re a lesbian now. Ta-da!

Wilde: “I best feed you before I leave tomorrow afternoon.”

Wilde: “Take care of yourselves little fishies.”

I mean, that’s impossible? They’re fish?

The next day Wilde arranged to through a graduation party and invited his fathers to join.

Wilde: “I hope they’re hungry even though it’s only ten in the morning.”

Baldwin: “Another one of these parties. How many more are we going to have to go to?”

Am I missing something Baldwin? Did you have more than two sons?

Serdar: “Is special day for little dyetka.”

Serdar: “At least dyetka’s music has not changed in taste.”

Baldwin: “Do I smell roast turkey?”

As soon as Wilde announced that the food was ready for his fathers to enjoy, Baldwin jumped at the chance to interrogate his son about his fiancée.

Baldwin: “And will I get to meet your fiancée before you get married?”

Wilde: “I mean, yeah. She’ll be moving in with us soon.”

Serdar: “Is so nice you are taking your responsibilities to heart, dyetka.”

Wilde: “Daaad, I’m not a dyetka anymore. I’m a grown man.”

Serdar: “In heart, will always be dyetka to me.”

Baldwin: “Will you at least let me know when your lovely fiancée will arrive so I can host a wonderful house party to welcome her?”

Wilde: “Um… Sure?”

Are you sure a party’s a good idea, Wilde? Isn’t Lilly a little… Oh, I don’t know… timid?

Wilde: “It’ll be fine. I’m sure of it. Yes, it’ll be fine.”

You sound like you’re convincing yourself more than me.

Wilde: “I am… probably.”

As is with any graduation party, the parents of the graduate celebrate their successes in raising their offspring well by smustling in the kitchen.

Meanwhile, said graduate cleans up after the guests.

Oof, Serdar, that looks like it hurts.

Ah, that’s better. No heads being jammed into walls.

And so Wilde embarks on his new life journey, settling into Belladonna Cove to start a family with Lilly Do.

Yusun: “Yeah, yeah, don’t mind me. I’ll be here, binge watching Game of Thrones or The Good Place or whatever will make these next few years fly by.”

Don’t forget to feed the fish, Yusun.

Take care!

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