Thursday 3 December 2020

The Literal Booker Legacy – Epilogue: Part 2, Exit, Pursued by a Bear

Hello and welcome to the final ever chapter of The Literal Booker Legacy!

We're starting things off a bit differently this time - we're going to see how the spares have gotten on and then we're going to end with the main family!
Murakami & William Reiner

Both Kami and William are settling nicely in their new home now that they’ve graduated university.

I kind of like how Murakami’s formal wear suits his namesake. It wasn’t planned, he aged up into that.

Murakami Booker becomes Murakami Reiner!

Phil’s so happy, he’s been having wants for his two sons to get married since college.

I decided to keep Kami and William as that childless couple for a change – mainly because we’re at the end of the legacy now so there really isn’t a need as neither of them will roll wants for it.

So instead, their babies are their pets!

This is Tengo, their cat, taken from 1Q84.

And this is Aomame, also from 1Q84!

Kwan & Cathy Miller

Kwan and Cathy have a short update because Cathy’s a family sim so it’s very basic.

But I’ve moved them into a Victorian looking mansion.

Kwan Booker takes Cathy’s last name and becomes Kwan Miller.

Also, note how during Kami’s wedding, Dante was missing, and this time it’s Phil.

These two are so messy I can’t believe it.

And here is the growing family!

Kwan is holding their daughter, little Rachel – named after Rachel Chu from Crazy Rich Asians.

Told you this one was short and sweet.

Waters Booker

Tes looks so impressed to be best friends with her son. Don’t be fooled, she may look apathetic but that boy is her whole world.

Duncan and Rupert are very cute together. Every time Rupert comes to see Duncan, he ends up getting a big cuddle!

As good of a parent as she is, Tes tends to slack sometimes.

Duncan is really cute!

Kevin and Tes’ genes work really well together!

As you know, Tes still suffers from trauma when she and Dante were nearly burgled in their college chapter.

And then this happens.

Poor Tes.

Duncan was also pretty frightened by the event and ended up sleeping in his mum’s bed for comfort.

And this is Tes’ little segment over. I’m going to miss her the most I think. Not to worry, she will return… soon. Probably when I come back from Korea to pursue my PGCE in a couple of years.

Alcott & Joe Haggerty

Alcott and Theo grow closer as Theo gets older. They seem to bond quite well over the cooking channel.

Joe is a criminal with a heart of gold and a soft spot for his son.

Theodore: “Dad, I got an A+!”

Joe: “What will happen if I don’t get out of the red.”

I’ve been a tad neglectful to Joe and Alcott’s aspiration bars and were very close to going into failure.

But Joe is still proud and supportive of his son’s hard work.

Theo grows up into a handsome young man!

Definitely glad he got Joe’s mouth and Alcott’s nose.

Joyce & Allyn Chung

Joyce is always greeted by Gretta when he comes home from work.

Eveline: “I just don’t understand how you picked it up so quickly, Gretta!”

Eveline gives up on dancing pretty quickly and instead asks Allyn to read her a story.

And here are the identical twins, Gretta and Eveline as teenagers! I think their cousins got the better end of the genetic deal… Sorry, girls.

And now we move onto the part you've all been waiting for...

Kim Booker & Abhijeet Turner

Kim: “I can’t believe I missed my own son’s birthday.”

That’s the problem with having a night shift, I guess.

Kim: “Wow, he looks a lot like Abhijeet! I guess there’s no way you can dispute the fact that Abhijeet is his father.”

Shakespeare is honestly super cute. I’m so glad that the trouty mouth was bred out but I kind of wish he’d inherited Kim’s nose or something…

Shakespeare is a Libra (just like Abhijeet) who is very neat, very outgoing, really lazy, playful, and very nice. So basically, he inherited Kim’s cleanliness and Abhijeet’s everything else.

Poor Autumn. Being a cute doggie makes her life so hard.

Shakespeare: “I wan Papa!”

Papa’s sleeping, honey. Why don’t you play with your toys.

Autumn: “Do you mind?”


Abhijeet is a very hands-on dad when he isn’t woohooing with Kim every hour of the day. He rolled a want to teach Shakespeare how to talk. I guess it’s not going so well by the look on Shakespeare’s face.

Shakespeare needs a nickname… Maybe… Perry?

Phante are as cute as ever and I’m glad to report there’s been NO infidelity on Dante's side since his college days. Dante keeps following Abhijeet around but all he does is admire or congratulate him.

Dante: “Sleep well, little one.”

I guess Dante was wrong. Nothing can stop two romance sims from woohooing – not even a needy toddler.

I don’t think the middle of winter is the best time to play fetch with a small short-haired dog.

Abhijeet: “Daddy loves you, baby.”

Oh yes, Kim’s taken on the name “Papa” just in case you guys were curious.

Abhijeet is Dad, Kim is Papa.

I’ve been trying to discover Perry’s OTH and it’s not music and dance, nor is it science, tinkering, or arts and crafts…

(It turned out to be cuisine... Of course.)

Abhijeet and Kim continue to be very lovey-dovey. They act like a married couple, it’s really interesting.

Phil spends a lot of his time off playing with Autumn.

Aah shoot. Sorry, Kim. That was my fault.

Kim: “Ugh, this is just a step backwards…”

I said I was sorry!

Everyone’s obsessed with mah-jong! Phante and Abhijeet play a few rounds…

… whilst Kim plays with baby Perry!

Dante rolled the want to get a new game now he’s obsessed with mah-jong so here we go: Don’t Wake the Llama!!

Dante: “Don’t judge us.”

Kim: “It’s good to have hobbies!”

Phil’s the only one who’s rolled a want to teach Perry to walk.

It’s a work in progress.

Waters: “Wait, why am I here?”

I’m not having Murakami come anywhere near this house whilst Abhijeet is here, I just can’t trust the two of them.

Kwan: “Hey, Autumn! You're still a little cutie pie!”

Autumn: “Don’t sweet talk me and just razzle me!”

Waters: “You’re all about bunch of weirdos for being so obsessed with this game, you know that right?”

Kim: “Auntie Tes, you are the one who joined us.”

Waters: “Don’t back talk to your elders, Kim.”

Oh Christ, Abhijeet has the flu… Better cure that before something tragic happens…

Kwan: “He looks a lot like Abhijeet.”

Kim: “Yeah…”

Kwan: “You sure he’s yours?”

Kim: “Ha ha, very funny.”

Ph-Phil? You… Don’t play with the wolf please!

Kim: “Lock this baby up!”

It’s over!

Kim: “We’re finished with the babies and toddlers!”

Dante, you are terrible. You’re watching Abhijeet sleep now.

Also check out Kim’s non-binary flag!

Shakespeare: “That it should come to this!”

It’s just a C report card, Perry.

Shakespeare: “The game is up.”

Huh, I guess I’ve learnt there’s always a Shakespeare quote for any occasion, including being disappointed in your report card.

Kim: “You remind me of your father when you slouch like that.”

Shakespeare: “Why, sir, cobble you!”

Kim: “Don’t call me sir, Perry.”


We chill and continue to garden and hope that the rain puts the fire out…

So, Kim needs a lot of friends to top the Slacker career so I’ve sent them out to wrangle in a few passers-by.

They happen to have three bolts with this young man, Houston.

Shakespeare: “Neither a borrower nor a lender be. For loan doth oft lose both itself and friend, and borrowing dulls the edge of husbandry.”

Do you even know what you’re saying right now?

Shakespeare: “Psst, roll the teleprompter!”

Shakespeare: “The robb’d that smiles, steals something from the thief!”

That’s a good bit of advice to give to your Great-Auntie Tes.

Oh God *shudder* if she was real, she’d hate to be called that…

Shakespeare: “*BRAAAP*”


Abhijeet and Kim decide to introduce their son to mah-jong.

I can’t see this going wrong…


Abhijeet: “Perry… What about me?” *sniff*

Kim: “When you’re done reminiscing your college days…”

Shakespeare: “I know it pleaseth neither of us well.”

I had Kim and Abhijeet pose for a portrait and they ended up very cute together so…

I can’t be blamed for this really…

It’s coming to fruition!

Shakespeare: “Sundays are for smustling!”

And being judged by your dog.

Autumn: “I thought this kid only spoke like he was on stage at The Globe Theatre?”

I guess the shtick was boring…

DANTE, YOU HAVE A PROBLEM! That is a painting of Abhijeet!


Nope, I’m not crying.

I’m not.

Perry, please stop jumping on the bed, I beg!

Shakespeare: “But I grow up soon! Why can’t I be excited!?”

Though this be madness, yet there is method in ‘t.

Shakespeare: “Ha!”

Shakespeare: “Grandpa, will you read me a story?”

This obsession is going too far. The poor boy is being neglected now!

Phil: “Do you think we play this game too much?”

Dante: “No way.”

Oh, hey, Gabriel. Haven’t seen you in a while.

Gabriel: “Yeah… I… This family… They’ve stopped spying on me.”

Oh yeah, they’re obsessed with mah-jong now. You won’t have any trouble with them now.

Gabriel: “O-oh… Is that right?”

Why do I get the feeling he misses being spied on by the Bookers?

Shakespeare: “I grow up today, why am I cleaning Autumn’s bed!”

Because it teaches integrity!

YESSSSS and before Perry grows up too!

Kim: “Hey, Perry!”

Shakespeare: “Hello, Papa.”

I have a feeling Kim’s going to miss having their little boy rely on them.

Phil: “No. Please.”


Dante: “This cake means goodbye, doesn’t it?”

… Yeah, I’m afraid so…

Waters: “Eey, congrats on finishing your first legacy, Gray!”

Phil: “If we end up in another universe, I hope we meet again, Dan.”

Dante: "There's no one else I'd rather spend my life with."

And here is the new and improved Shakespeare!

He rolls knowledge (because of course he does) with a LTW of being a Cult Leader but that part doesn’t matter, really.

He likes mechanical and creative sims but doesn’t like it when they’re logical.

And he’s officially the final Booker sim to be born in the main line!

Any last words?

Shakespeare: “Oh, just a few.”

Shakespeare: “Dear Diary, there are a few things I’ve learnt over my short life. The main thing is that a happy and supportive family is the best thing you can have. Even if it’s your Great-Aunt who has the best advice despite being younger than your own Dads…

"...Or the Uncle who enjoys drinking as much juice as he can out of the fridge before anyone notices a shortage…"

"...Or even your mah-jong obsessed grandfathers."

(Dante pissed off to work at this point. Of course I couldn’t have a perfect ending. Not in this legacy.)

There’s no one else I’d rather have in my family than them.”

Aw that’s nice, Perry.

Shakespeare: “Oh, thanks Gray.”

Anything else to add?

Shakespeare: “To all of the readers past, present, and future. Thank you for reading about my family’s lineage and I hope you’ve enjoyed every moment.”

That’s perfect.

And this is officially the end of The Literal Booker Legacy and I want to thank every single one of you for reading and commenting and voting and all of the good stuff you did!

It’s meant a lot to me as I struggled through this legacy but your support brought me here, at the end, so thank you.

Hopefully I’ll see you for my next challenge!

Until then!

See you!

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