Tuesday 1 December 2020

The Literal Booker Legacy - The College Years: Part 2, A Rose by Any Other Name

Hello and welcome back to The Literal Booker Legacy! This is it folks! The last chapter of generation 9 and the lead up to the double parter epilogue!

Ugh, I’m getting chills just thinking about it.

Kim and Cathy have found the best way to bond – by huffing blowing bubbles.

Cathy: “My father would FREAK right now.”

Kim: “Ahahahaha! Freak.”

Kim goes off to class and Kami joins Cathy instead. I think she’s very lucky to have two potential in-laws who are wanting to spend so much time with her. Even if they are getting high off their faces.

Cathy: “Kami! Kami, watch! I can do a magic trick!”

Cathy: “WHEEEEE!”

Kim: “Abhijeet, my love. My true love. My romance partner in crime.”

Kim: “A rose by any other name would smell as sweet.”

Abhijeet: “I’ve never received a rose before!”

Abhijeet: “It smells wonderful, Kim. Thank you.”

Okay, so this is the start of Cathy basically following Abhijeet and Kim around and just getting all happy whenever they kiss or flirt or anything.

They pretty much just woohooed and Cathy walked in as they were getting dressed and did this.


Kwan: “Another semester, another term paper.”

You’re the only one doing them.

Kwan: “I know.”

There will be a time when you’ll have your last one to do.

Kwan: “I know that, too.”

Cathy: “Kim, I just want you to know that you are super attractive.”

And then they go play some catch.

Cathy: “Oh, darn it!”

Where’d she go?

Kim: “You should check upstairs.”

Ah. That solves it.


Abhijeet: “Kami, wanna sneak off upstairs and have a bit of fun?”

It’s like it’s in their DNA to cheat! I think Christie started this off by cheating on Blair with her two coworkers!

And then Kim just really wanted to look at the ornamental fan in the large bedroom.

And I thought… Oh boy, here we go… Drama.


Romance sims don’t get jealous on ACR because they don’t form committed relationships…

Cathy: “Wow, you are the least jealous person in the whole world, Kim!”

Cathy: “Oop.”

Or maybe they just hide it really well?

Murakami: “I gotta boogie!”

Murakami’s on his senior year! He’s very close to graduating and getting out of the house and away from Abhijeet!

I’m not kidding when I say I think Cathy is stalking Kim.


See what I mean!?

Abhijeet: “HEY!”

You tell him, Abhijeet, but I think your angle is a little off.

Murakami continues to get high off of his face.

And Abhijeet seems to find that collecting butterflies is what he wants to do with his free time.

This generation has officially lost the plot.

There was never a plot to start with but the point still stands.

Kwan: “You cheated on my sibling with my brother. I don’t like you.”

No kidding. Kwan and Abhijeet have a really bad relationship… I’m scared they’re gonna start fights or something…

I was a little concerned when Abhijeet woohooed with Kami that he would find Kami more interesting to flirt with.

No, Kim is still Abhijeet’s number one.

Murakami: “Eyy! I graduate AND get to throw a party!”

Phil: “Is this legacy done with yet?”

Almost, Phil, jeez. It’s like you’ve been playing the same family for over 3 years!

Phil: “My back hurts.”

Yeah, that’s what I thought, old man.

Dante: “Hello children!”

Dante: “Congratulations on graduating, my son.”

Murakami: “Thanks Dad. Will you give me one graduation gift?”

Dante: “Of course.”

Murakami: “They say we’re young and we don’t know. We won’t find out until we grow.”

Dante: “Well I don’t know if all that’s true cause you got me, and baby I got you.”

Dante & Murakami: “Babe. I got you, babe, I got you, babe.”

If you don’t know what I am referencing here please, PLEASE, watch this video. PLEASE!

Phil is jamming to the music even though he’s as far from the back garden as he could possibly be.

Oh, never mind, Kwan joins in so his father doesn’t feel as lonely.

Dante: “And then she said she would finish this legacy before November but now it’s December and we’re still a few chapters away from ending!”

Kim: “What a loser!”

I swear to God.

Also please stop breaking the fourth wall, that’s for me to do, not you.

Streaker: “DO I SEE A PARTY!?”

Streaker: “Hi Cathy.”

Cathy: “Oof, Kim is so fine.”

She’s so repressed, I feel sorry for Cathy.

A new Booker tradition in place of smustling?

Kwan: “Ahaha yes!”

Don’t worry, Kami, we’ll change the outfit.

Murakami: “See you for the finale!”

Take care, Kami!

Cathy: “I know this isn’t the most romantic place but, Kwan…”

Cathy: “Will you marry me?”

Kwan: “Of course I’ll marry you, Cathy!”

Thank God, she’s had that want locked in since Freshman year.

Yay for Kwathy!

I think they’re going to have a very happy marriage.

Kim: “Where is it… Where is it…”

Whatcha lookin’ for?

Kim: “Dear Whoever Finds This Book… My name is Kim Booker and I am the last of the Bookers (well, except for my future child). If you are reading this book then you are starting your own challenge. Let me warn you. Get out. Get out now.”

Knock it off.

My next challenge is in TS4 anyway, kid. So, nice try.

Cathy: “Can you believe it? We graduate after this upcoming exam.”

Kwan: “I know, isn’t it exciting?”

Cathy: “All the babies we’ll make!”

Ahem. You’ll only make the amount you can make in the time you are allowed. Sorry.

Kwan: “That’s it. The last term paper ever.”

Kwan: “Good job, me.”

I really do love these custom replacements for the paintings. Even though Abhijeet is low level, his art is still beautiful.

Cathy and Kim get along really well. She’s the long lost sister they didn’t know they were missing.

They’re like real siblings.

Except Cathy has a minor attraction to Kim…

Kwan unwinds before his final final exam by playing some Sims 3.

After graduating with a perfect GPA (as every knowledge sim should!) Kwan calls up Dante and Phil and invites them over for a party.

The hat does you no favours, Kwan.

Dante: “It’s nice that the kids get along.”

Phil: “Yeah. Like you and Tes.”

Dante: “Exactly. We did good to raise such good and friendly children.”

Geez, I think you guys are too proud of yourselves.

Phil immediately starts to smustle whilst Kwan hugs Dante.

And then Kwan decides to join in with Phil.

Thank the Lord, the traditional Booker parties are back in swing!

Cathy is a good daughter-in-law. She joins in with Phil whilst everyone else goes off into the sitting room to watch TV or skill.

Cathy just really likes staring at gay couples. Hag?

Oh my GOD! And you laughed at Kami’s outfit! Yours is far worse!

Kwan: “Just hurry me out of here before anyone sees me.”

Kim: “Kwan, not again!”

Kim: “Don’t tell anyone I told you this, but I’ll miss you.”

Kwan: “Aw, Kim, that’s… so gay. Ha!”

Kim: “My brother hates me and my aspiration meter is very low!”

I honestly thought Romance sims were the easiest to take care of but because I’m trying to play Kim monogamously (I know. What the hell, Gray?) it’s kinda difficult. At least they keep rolling wants for dates so Abhijeet can boost their meter for a bit.

Bye Cathy! We’ll see you in the epilogue!

Kim: “We’re all alone.”

Abhijeet: “Yes, we are.”

Kim: “Wanna do something wild?”

Whoa. Careful there...

Kim: “Gra-ay, why do you ha-ate me!”

I don’t, I swear!

Kim: “I want to public woohoo!”

Ugh. Fine.

Kim: “Oh this is cute.”

Let’s pretend that we know you’re only looking so you can go into the changing room.

Kim: “I’ll be in this changing room, Abhijeet.”

Abhijeet: “Cool. Cool. Cool.”

And this is how we got kicked out of H&M.

Just kidding.

We’re at I N Clothing.

Abhijeet: “Aayyyy.”

Kim: “Thank you!”

You’re welcome.

Kim: “I think the cashier’s looking.”

Then pretend you’re checking yourself out.

Kim: “Why did you come here in your PJs. Don’t you have shame?”

Abhijeet: “I slept with your brother, do I look like I have shame?”

The gyros look so good in this game. God bless Apartment Life.

After a successful  trip to the shops where no one bought clothes but enjoyed some greasy gyros, Kim and Abhijeet return back to the dorm house.

This is pretty much all they do now. They have night classes this term and every time they come back from them they just stand and play video games until they nearly freeze.

Oh yes, did you remember that they’re home alone?

Not that it mattered to them when Kami or Kwathy were living there but…

Prof. Ash: “Tes?”

She’s gone, bud. You need to move on.

Abhijeet, there is a perfectly good turkey right next to you. Stop picking food out of the fridge!

Abhijeet: “Ah yes, turkey.”

I just can’t deal with Kim sometimes. They go to where Abhijeet is just to heartfart over him and then decides to play video games when they’ve finished.

I don’t think getting high in the rain is a good idea.

Kim: “I’m sure blowing bubbles will fight off any viruses I’ll get.”


Abhijeet: *giggle* “Yeah!”

I don’t think that’s how that works at all!

Kim: “Ka-pow! The last Booker to graduate from university!


*pops open champagne*


Dante and Phil are very proud of Kim!

Abhijeet: “Kim tells me you enjoy baseball?”

Dante: “More like tennis, but I always enjoy a few balls in my court if you know what I mean.”

Phil: “Ooh!”

I can’t.

I can’t.

This looks innocent but…

Abhijeet has three bolts for Dante too.

Dante who is devoted to Phil.

And Dante and Abhijeet are getting along… like a house on fire…

I’m concerned.

Kim: “I dedicate this song to Gray. The best creator a Booker could ever have.”

Aw, Kim!

Kim: “We are the campions – my friends
And we’ll keep on fighting
Till the end
We are the champions
We are the champions
No time for losers!
‘Cus we are the champions of the World

Kim: “I’ve taken my bows
And my curtain calls
You brought me fame and fortune
And everything that goes with it

Kim: “We are the campions – my friends
And we’ll keep on fighting
Till the end
We are the champions
We are the champions
No time for losers!
‘Cus we are the champions

Dante: “This is going to be the best time of your life, Kim. Don’t you forget it.”

Kim: “Oh great. Now you tell me. As it comes to an end.”

Dante: “No, you idiot! I mean when you graduate. All these bubbles have gone to your head, I swear!”

God none of these Booker kids have had good outfits. I’ve got my work cut out for me when we get back to Belladonna Cove.

Kim: “Abhijeet, hurry up or I’m leaving without you!”

Abhijeet: “Hey, see you soon, Gray.”

Please God, give me a smooth playthrough, Abhijeet.

Abhijeet: *smile*


And so we saw goodbye to the Booker campus home. The place that housed all nine generations of the Bookers (Please just pretend, okay? I know I had to restart but the legacy goes on).

All that’s left is the spares update and the two parter-epilogue.

Anyone else’s stomachs twisting as it’s coming to a close?

Just me.


Until then!

See ya!

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