Saturday 26 October 2019

The Literal Booker Legacy - Generation 3, Chapter 4: Don't Cry Over Me

Hello, hello, hello and welcome back to the Literal Booker legacy! 

We are starting off with a bang!

So far, Bronte became heiress, had two children, Ellis and Shelley, and Austen and Cherry passed on.

Bronte: “Oh, no, no no!”

Bronte: “Hot hot hot!”

Don’t worry, she was saved in time.

Now that Otis is showing his age, Bronte is becoming more doting on him.

Otis: “Aww, why’d ya stop?”

Bronte, what are you doing?

Bronte: “Keeping up with tradition.”

Bronte: “Gabriel Green has a messy garden!”

Shelley, what are you up to?

Shelley: “Just mastering logic before I grow up.”

Wh- wait, how many skills have you mastered?

Shelley: “All but creativity, body, and charisma.”


And so, it’s time for Shelley to become a young lady.

Fingers crossed she’s beautiful.

Shelley: “I wish for money. Lots of money.”

Oh, no, she’s gorgeous. You can see Ellis just give up any hope on being heir. Sorry pal.

Shelley is a Fortune sim with a LTW to earn $100,000.

Finally, something new!

Shelley is also attracted to fit blond men who have good hygiene.

Here she is, all made up.

Ellis: “Hey, Shell, now you’re grown up, can you do my homework for me?”

Shelley: “No way…”

Ellis: “Pwease?”

Shelley: “Ugh…”

Shelley: “How did I get roped into this?”

You’re heiress, you shouldn’t stand for this!

Shelley looks for a job and lands on the Education track.


Bronte: “Don’t go crying just cus I’m getting closer to elderhood.”

But you were a baby like last week!

Bronte: “So, Shell, I dunno if Gray’s talked to you about this yet but you’ve been chosen as heiress for this generation.”

Bronte: “So, you understand what that means, don’t you?”

Shelley: “Don’t you think it’s unfair that Ellis doesn’t get a chance? Hasn’t this family had multiple female heirs one after another?”

Bronte: “Well, I guess then it’ll be your duty to bring in the one boy who will make the chance.”

Shelley: “That’s a lot of pressure. Gray might as well change this legacy to a matriarch.”

I’m thinking about it, honestly.

Bronte: “Just get married, have children, and reach your LTW, that’s all you have to do.”

Shelley: “Can I… just watch my show now?”

Bronte: “Sure.”

I thought you were watching TV?

Shelley: “Hello, apparently I’m heiress and I need a boyfriend, stat.”

Random Townie: “I mean, I just think Rocket Man is the superior song.”

Shelley: “Hi, thanks for coming at short notice.”

La Shawn: “I come when destined.”

Shelley: “I’ll make it quick. I’m desiring a young man with blond hair.”

La Shawn: “That’s $5,000.”

Well, hello blond young man!

He’s not… conventionally attractive but you know what, he’s not ugly either. He’s in.

This is Heath Butler, everyone.

The blind date seems to be going very well. They hit it off immediately.

He kept rolling wants to pillow fight with her so…

She looks to be having fun though.

Hey, hey, hey! That’s her first kiss, you sneak!

Ugh, I didn’t get the cute animation…

After having a near dream date, Bronte wakes up the next morning back in reality. The school bus is calling her name.

Bronte: “Looks like it’s you and me, two old biddies together, my boy.”

Bronte: “Thanks for coming you two. Without a spouse, this is probably one of the scariest things I’ll ever do.”

Lawrence: “We are here for you, Bron.”

Bronte: “I wish for Shelley’s reign of the family to go as magnificently as mine.”

Say bye the beautiful, young Bronte!

Bronte: “Whoa, I’m tingly all over!”

Bronte: “Wait, why does my back hurt suddenly?!”

Uhhhhh… we’ll fix you.

Here she is, in all of her graceful beauty. She aged really well in honesty.

Definitely still the beauty she was when she was younger.

Are-Are you cleaning the dog bed autonomously?

That’s it, you’re definitely becoming Shelley’s husband.

A sad day for Ellis, he’s preparing to leave for college.

Ellis: “Thanks for everything, Mom.”

Bronte: “Take care, my sweet boy.”

Taking one last look?

Ellis: “It’s not like it’s the last time I’ll be here… But yeah…”

Ellis: “See you around.”


Shelley: “Hey, Heath, are you free now? Can you come over?”

Bronte: “Ah, the days when I was young…”

Shelley: “So… I was thinking…”

Shelley: “Me…”

Shelley: “And you would make a cute couple. What do you think?”

Heath: “I thought you’d never ask.”

Whoa, Bronte’s feeding the fish! No one’s touched this pond since Andrea died.

Heath: “This berry pie is yummy, Mrs B.”

Bronte: “Well, thank you, Heath, but I’m no Mrs. Just call me Ms B.”

Heath: “So… you… aren’t married?”

Bronte: “Nope.”

Heath: “I see.”


Heath: “So, would it be awkward when Shelley and I get married?”

Shelley: “Ba-abe!”

Bronte: “Why would my personal choice to not get married as a Romance sim affect how you two decide to declare your love? I personally hope Shelley does get married…”

Not so sure if it’s to him, though, huh…

Bronte: “I don’t like his judgemental attitude.”

He’s a teen, he’ll grow out of it.

After having a dream date, Heath stops by to drop something off. I wonder what he’ll give us. A TV? A new chair?

No, a bonsai.

But it’s perfect because Shelley’s OTH is nature so of course a bonsai would be a good idea!

To get a head start on Shelley’s LTW, I’ve decided to get to paint masterpieces as she’s mastered the creative skill.

Bronte gets into The Zone for science!

Hey, congrats on being an over ach-

Shelley: “Can’t talk, gotta answer the phone!”

Oh… kay…

Oh, that’s why.

Tut, tut.


Otis, don’t look so happy to go *sniff*

Grim: “Yeah, I thought the ladies were gonna be the only deaths in this generation too. We got a dog on pick up.”

Grim: “Whoosa good boy?!”

Otis, you weren’t part of the family for long but your big, fluffy, goofy antics made you a treat to see.

I’m gonna miss you bud.


Obviously I can’t live without a dog in the house so here is Leroy!

Shelley adores him.

As does Bronte!

Bronte: “Aren’t you a sweet pup!”

The snow is so deep that Leroy got lost in it!

Not to fear, he grew into an adult two seconds later… He lasted about a day as a puppy……………

I want a refund.

Shelley: “Mom, your lips are like ice.”

Bronte: “I’ll warm up before you get back.”

That’s right, it’s time for Shelley to enter her college years too!

We’ll be seeing her and Ellis very soon!

Next time: We follow Ellis and Shelley through their college days with their partners!

Thanks for reading!

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